Mikie Sherrill Says Unidentified Lawmakers Led ‘Reconnaissance’ Tours Before Capitol Attack


Representative Mikie Sherrill (DN.J.) said on Tuesday she saw colleagues escorting people through the Capitol on January 5 for what she called “recognition” ahead of the violent insurgency the next day that made five dead.

In a 13-minute Facebook video billed as an address to his constituents on the House’s efforts to hold President Donald Trump accountable for inciting the riot, Sherrill included the allegation as part of a call for hold Trump’s allies in Congress accountable as well.

“I also intend to see the members of Congress who cheered him on – those members of Congress who had groups crossing the capital that I saw on January 5 for reconnaissance for the next day – these members congressmen who incited the violent mob, these congressmen who tried to help our president undermine our democracy, I’m going to see they are held accountable, ā€¯Sherrill said.


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