Lamborghini Urus scale model announcement shows you can simulate it until you do


Wherever you are in the world right now, it is clear that the pandemic has forced us to be creative. As such, Indian photographer Kunaal Kelkar was due to travel to Italy and drive the Lamborghini Urus, but Covid obviously had other plans. To get around the problem, the Italian manufacturer sent him a 1:18 scale model and asked him to see what he could offer.

“Since we had missed the opportunity to travel to Italy due to the lockdown, we wanted to introduce the Urus on the Amalfi Coast and how the Urus was able to access a scenic coastal region where there are no roads” , Kelkar said.

After much deliberation, her partner suggested using her pool as a substitute for the Italian coastline. With an expert camera trick – submerging the camera underwater and placing the model on some rocks – he pulled off a pretty convincing shot. However, some delicate Photoshop work turned this fun exercise into a legitimately usable brochure photograph.

Following the first shot, Kelkar wanted to create another scene of the Italian SUV sunbathing on the beach. Thankfully, this example was much less labor-intensive and didn’t require submerging his camera in the water – for the previous photo, he was actually using the model’s clear plastic mattress topper to safely submerge his camera in the water. water without destroying it.

After seeing this manual display fake until you do, we would like to see a post-pandemic recreation of all of these photographs with the real car; we just hope it doesn’t come at the cost of accidentally submerging several Lamborghini SUVs into the sea.


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