Interview with Sterling K. Brown – Season 5, Episode 6


Warning: this post contains spoilers from Tuesday It’s us.

Randall ends Tuesday It’s us with a hard-won peace: well, he – and we – know exactly why his birth mother, Laurel, never tried to find him.

In short: Her overdose after birth led to her going to jail for five years, after which an overwhelming sense of shame prevented her from searching for her son. (For a more detailed explanation, read our episode recap.)

In an interview on Tuesday, series star Sterling K. Brown told TVLine that Randall has spent years circling the same questions: Was he loved? And if so, why was it abandoned? “People who love you don’t do that sort of thing,” said the Emmy winner. As such, Laurel’s story only matters to Randall in relation to how she affected him on a personal level.

But as of this week, after having a cathartic sight of her mother in the lake behind her house, “her head clicks,” Brown added. “’I was, to a certain extent, selfish about the way I thought about this woman. And now I just need to recognize and appreciate everything she’s been through to be where she is. ”

Read on to learn more about Brown’s thoughts on the episode, including what it might mean for Randall and Kevin’s ongoing argumentation, as well as the decision-making process behind Randall showing his soul. and other things.

this is us season 5 episode 6 sterling k brown interview randall mother lake TVLINE | You hear that Randall is going to know all about his mom and then he’s going to have this catharsis moment. What was your first take?
When Dan [Fogelman, series creator] I first said her mother was still alive, my first thought is, “Okay, are we jumping the shark?” Do we still maintain the integrity of it all? He said to me, “She’s not alive, but what happened was we thought she was dead, but she didn’t.” I thought, “OK. So how come she didn’t come to see me? If she was alive and had this child, then why has she not made her presence known in my life? then they answered this question. There was a series of things where I was like, “Okay, does that make sense? Does it follow? And everything has been checked. I should never doubt Dan. And shout at Kay [Oyegun] and Eboni [Freeman] for writing a great episode and to Kay for directing it too.

There was one interesting thing to me, and I don’t think it was made clear in the episode. But that moment of release for Randall and the idea that he had this meeting with his mother in the lake – we’re not an overtly religious show, but it does have spiritual overtones. And Randall is first and foremost a man of science, isn’t he? And not so much a man of faith. But in this case, because he’s living with anxiety and everything, and I believe to some extent beyond just the chemical level, it’s hard for anxiety and faith to exist in the same space. So to have him this recognition that this woman really loved me, that I was the product of two people who loved me but the circumstances conspired in such a way that they could not share their love with me in a direct way? I agree with that.

TVLINE | Beth notices that there is a lightness in him at the end of the episode. In the future, how will we see this epiphany manifest in the rest of his life?
Good question. So the first catalyst is really a step towards reconciliation with your brother, and seeing how not being able to make peace with your past and being ashamed or frustrated can prevent people from being connected. should be connected to each other. Laurel saw this in Hai and his inability to make peace with his parents before she died. [Randall] loves Kevin desperately. And he knows, and his brother knows too, that they just said shitty things to each other. But I hope that doesn’t have to define their relationship in perpetuity. The recognition that forgiveness is essential for any relationship to endure is firmly impressed upon her by virtue of this experience …

I hope he learns to let go. To borrow a phrase from the black community and spirituality – Christianity, in particular – from “Let go and let God”. Recognizing that the error of control is something that you have to give up on purpose in order to be able to truly enjoy the moment, to live free. There are times that I watch in the episode, there are echoes of Bible verses from her maternal grandfather to her mother, and then conversations between her great aunt and her mother about how to let go. In the end, this moment of being in the lake and just – it’s a cry, but it’s a big exhale. It’s like “I don’t have to have the answer to be OK.” I feel like, for Randall, a lot of his being OK comes down to “What should I do?” How to respond? How to solve this problem? I don’t need to have the answer to be OK. I’d love to see that incorporated into him as we move on to the next phase of the show.

this is us sterling k brown interview randall mother lake season 5 episode 6TVLINE | I’m going to follow up on your very thoughtful answer with a very silly question: For a network show at 9 a.m., when Randall strips down to get in the water, we see a little more of it than usual. Did you say, “Yes! That’s what he would do! or did you think “uh, i’m not sure about that?”
It was an interesting conversation. Kay had called me earlier in the season and said, “So we’re planning Episode 6, and we’ve got this kind of baptismal thing that we’re trying to accomplish, and I thought we’d get you down to your. boxers and in the water. But Dan thought that maybe, if you were comfortable with it, you could just step into it in your birthday costume. I thought about it more of a spiritual aspect, a rebirth or a cleansing and having nothing in between me and that. And I was like, “That makes sense.”

Now let me say this too, right? When I saw it, I said to myself: “It’s a bit of cake. ” [Laughs] More than I had expected to see in prime time, the 9 o’clock slot on the TV. I guess that’s the shadow of the cake, when you really look at it. And I’ll be happy to thank Peloton for their help and increase.


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