Martha Stewart faces backlash for receiving COVID vaccine


“I am in the approved age range for this batch of vaccine and have stood in line with the others.”

Martha Stewart received the COVID vaccine yesterday, at the holistic care center she opened two years ago in New York City. She decided to share the news in a post on Instagram, alongside a video of herself being photographed.

Now, it should be noted that Martha is 79 years old, and as of yesterday, people in New York over 65 are eligible to receive the vaccine. So Martha had every right to get the picture … but many commenters on Instagram were angry about it nonetheless.

“I guess the rich come first,” wrote one commentator. “I have loved and followed you for over 30 years, but it is not [right]. “

“How the hell is Martha considered the first line ???” another commentator wondered.

Several commentators noted that Martha was able to receive the vaccine before vulnerable family members were:

And a few health workers in the comments said they haven’t been able to get vaccinated yet:

Basically people just had a lot of questions about how Martha got the shot so early and called her privilege as a likely factor. (I mean she got vaccinated at a medical center literally named after her, so there is almost certainly some truth to this argument.)

Well, Martha has now responded to those criticisms in the caption of her post.

Slaven Vlasic / Getty Images

“I am so proud and grateful to the doctors, nurses and medical staff who are making their way through the paperwork and confusion associated with the distribution of these very important vaccines,” Martha wrote. “I am delighted to have received my dosage and look forward to receiving the booster.”

“Doctors told me that 10,000 applications were received by Mount Sinai just after the state released this batch of vaccines. Here are the advances in science and our sincere thanks to those who work on vaccines. We all hope for the end of this pandemic. “

Joe Raedle / Getty Images

And Martha ended her post by responding to those who hinted that she “skipped the line” when she received her blow.

“To allay your concerns that I skipped the line, please know that I am in the approved age group for this batch of vaccines and have stood in line with the rest.

John Lamparski / Getty Images

You can check out Martha’s full response below:

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