NHL: 17 stars among 27 COVID-19 tests confirmed positive


What this means for the NHL

Scott Burnside, NHL Senior Editor: This latest COVID-19 report before the start of the season marks a line in the sand when it comes to how the NHL handles positive tests. Dating back to the bubble playoffs, the league regularly reported the number of players, tests and the results of those tests. Starting on Wednesday with the first five games of the season cut short by the pandemic, the league will not only reveal those test numbers, but for the first time identify players who have tested positive. This transparency will be essential as the NHL tries to guide its 31 teams through a season where positive tests should be part of the reality of the NHL.

What this means for the stars

Saad Yousuf, writer beaten by Stars: The All-Star List Has Been Decimated Due To The COVID-19 Outbreak. Dallas returned to practice on Tuesday after five days off the ice, but were missing 14 players who had already trained with the team at training camp last week. There is no timeline for these players to return to the squad, but as it stands, the Stars only have seven forwards and two defensemen who played in the NHL last season.

(Photo: Sergei Belski / USA Today)


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