GTA 5’s ‘Lamar Roasts Franklin’ meme goes IRL with original cast


Lamar-roasting-Franklin in Grand Theft Auto 5 is in danger of going from meme to cliché (both being French words) within a month. But not before the original actors of the scene recreate her in IRL, again reminding Franklin that her yee-yee haircut is the reason Tenisha prefers to date doctors and lawyers.

Obviously, this dialogue is NSFW, for blasphemy, sexual boasting and certain re-appropriated ethnic insults. It’s Shawn Fonteno (Culture house) like Franklin and Slink Johnson (Black jesus) returning directly to the character.

The video (courtesy PlayStation Haven) picks up the set, setting details and virtuoso gestures of the actors in addition to stepping out of the lines as if it were yesterday. Fonteno and Johnson join the B1 battle droids, a guy and his roommate, Minecraft characters, the Ace Attorney series, and, my favorite, a few Formula 1 drivers on the Yas Marina circuit, as reenactors last week.

Kotaku (from where this was spied on) also highlighted clips featuring Snow White (apparently with audio from the game Kinect Disneyland Adventures) and Darth Vader, who’s the one talking about dog-ass looks.

Who stays, anyone? Mom, dad, do you want to participate in this?


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