After all this, Donald Trump told Aides not to pay Rudy Giuliani for his legal services: WaPo


The relationship between President Donald Trump and his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani is falling apart. The commander-in-chief told assistants not to pay Giuliani at all for his legal work aimed at reversing Trump’s loss in the November presidential election, according to The Washington Post. Since November, Giuliani has traveled the country testifying before Swing State lawmakers and promoting the president’s unsubstantiated allegations of widespread voter fraud. Trump has told his aides he wants to personally review any reimbursement requests from Giuliani. The former New York mayor also demanded $ 20,000 a day at one point, which allegedly angered Trump. Trump was dismissed a second time on Wednesday for inciting an insurgency, the first president in U.S. history to face two resigns from office.

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