Only 8% of Republicans support Trump’s impeachment and impeachment


WASHINGTON – A day after the U.S. House of Representatives impeached outgoing President Donald Trump for inciting last week’s insurgency on Capitol Hill, a new NBC News poll reveals U.S. voters are divided over his impeachment and impeachment , with most Republicans firmly supporting the President.

Overall, 50% of voters nationwide say Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 48% oppose it.

By party, 89% of Democratic voters believe Trump should be impeached and removed from office, compared to just 8% of Republican voters. The independents are divided, with 45% support and 53% opposition.

The survey took place from January 10 to 13. While the House voted to impeach the president on Wednesday, the Senate will not deal with the matter until Jan. 19, just a day before Trump’s term ends, meaning the trial will not be concluded until after he is still in office.

“While a few Republican elected officials have broken with Trump, Republican voters are staying with him for now,” said Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates, who conducted the survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies .

“As we have seen during his tenure, a major event after a major event does little to shake Trump’s position with Republicans,” Horwitt added.

Indeed, those numbers are virtually identical to the attitude of voters regarding Trump’s impeachment and impeachment in Ukraine in the December 2019 NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll.

At the time, adult respondents were divided, 48% to 48%, on the impeachment of the president and his impeachment, 83% of Democrats but only 8% of Republicans in favor.

The Democrat-controlled US House of Representatives impeached Trump for his actions regarding Ukraine, but the US Senate acquitted him.

The poll also finds that a majority of voters – 57% – believe last week’s protests that led rioters to pass the U.S. Capitol were an act of terrorism, compared with 40% who disagree.

Once again, there is a significant divide here by party: 90% of Democratic voters call it an act of terrorism, compared to just 27% of Republican voters.

And the poll shows that 49% of voters say the attack on Capitol Hill is more likely to trigger a major increase in violent political protests and riots in the United States, while 45% say it is more likely to be ‘an isolated event.

By party, 59% of Democrats believe the attack is more likely the start of future violent protests, while only 36% of Republicans agree.

The NBC News poll was conducted January 10-13, 2021 among 1,000 registered voters – of which 590 were reached by cell phone alone – and the survey has an overall margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points .


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