WandaVision – Who is the mysterious beekeeper?


WandaVision spoilers for episodes one and two follow.

WandaVision episode 2 opens with more domestic bliss, after that Nice to meet you-style first. Sitting in separate beds, Wanda and Vision are enjoying married life at her extreme LSP when a loud snap (from outside) suddenly interrupts the couple.

Afraid of what the noise might be, Wanda pulls the two beds closer to her husband. The couple soon discover that the sound is just coming from tree branches hitting their window. But a strange sense of unease ensues, hinting that all may not be what it seems in their suburban haven …

Create a stunning animated sequence, bizarre radio transmission, and the world’s best magic show, all of which add more mysterious layers to this world the two Avengers now live in.

marvel's wandavision elizabeth olsen as wanda and paul bettany as vision

Chuck zlotnickMarvel Studios

And then, as the episode begins to wind down, Wanda suddenly finds herself pregnant. In the absence of a tissue on the screen to speak of, the origin of this miracle pregnancy is also a mystery, which unfortunately has to wait for the sudden return of this clicking noise. This time, however, it’s not a tree that makes all the noise.

Wanda and Vision venture outside to discover a strange person coming out of a sewer in the middle of the street. The identity of the man in question is not clear because his face is obscured by a large bee mask. Although he turns to the camera briefly, his face is covered in shadows.

Although Wanda doesn’t seem to specifically recognize who he is, her reaction is still hostile, suggesting that he doesn’t belong to that suburban dream landscape she (maybe) created. With just a thought, the time suddenly returns, bringing them (and us) back inside where Wanda and Vision celebrate the news of their pregnancy.

The couple kiss and when they do, color suddenly explodes all over the place, updating the world of Westview into something that wouldn’t be out of place. The Brady Bunch. But even as the credits begin to roll, that crisp radio voice reappears, calling out for Wanda. “Who’s doing this to you Wanda?” He asks. “Who?” And this mystery speaker isn’t the only one asking this question, either.

Back in the days that the “ Beekeeper ” briefly appeared in a previous trailer, some fans suspected he may have been a member of AIM, a criminal organization that wore big yellow suits when it came to hazardous materials that look more than beekeeping equipment.

However, we can now confirm that this is not the case. Of course, it wouldn’t be difficult to call on AIM given their close association with Hydra (another group who tormented Captain America in the movies). But a closer look at the symbol imprinted on the beekeepers’ backs suggests that it actually belongs to another organization.

wandavision beekeeper


Last year, WandaVision Photos of the set confirmed that SWORD (Sentient World Observation and Response Department) would debut on the show, and our first proper glimpse of them now comes thanks to the beekeeper’s SWORD logo depicted on their back (as seen above, via Comicbook.com).

So what exactly is SWORD? In the comics, this space intelligence agency deals with extraterrestrial threats to global security. Think SHIELD, but with more aliens and space stuff.

Their MCU debut was actually teased a while back at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home in one of the film’s post-credits scenes where Nick Fury could be seen relaxing on a Skrull ship. When he said that it was time to ‘get back to work’, that may have hinted at the origins of a new space counterpart to SHIELD.

If that’s true, what is SWORD doing all of a sudden in Westview? Well we know for a fact that something is wrong with this suburban landscape … if the comics are anything to go by, it looks like Wanda has suffered a reality break, likely brought on by Vision’s death in the end of Avengers: Infinity War.

Using her powers, Wanda (presumably) reshaped reality to create a better world for herself, but unfortunately for Westview, it seems the whole town has been sucked into her illusion as well.

If so, then that ghostly voice on the other end of that radio transmission probably belongs to a SWORD agent trying to break through and help Wanda, not realizing that she was the one who started everything. mess.


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So who is this beekeeper? If he is indeed affiliated with SWORD, how did he end up in Westview when his colleagues were all watching from the outside? The most obvious answer is that he found a way to break through Wanda’s defenses, possibly in the now miniaturized SWORD helicopter pictured below. Or maybe he just got caught up in Wanda’s initial spell?

Whether this is true or not, it does not explain the dress of the beekeeper. We believe that this combination helps him protect him from Wanda’s magic, although as we’ve all seen, that hasn’t stopped her from sending him back to where he came from.

There is also the question of whose face is under this mask. While the beekeeper may simply be an anonymous agent who is made to appear creepy, it is also possible that he will end up playing a more central role later on. Maybe it could be Jimmy Woo in the mask, reprising his role as Randall Park from The ant Man. Or what if it was someone more sinister? it looks like someone higher up might be pulling some strings here too.

Whoever is under the mask, the accompanying bees also fuel the surprising amount of floral designs sprinkled throughout the first two episodes. Was this agent turned into a beekeeper when he entered Westview? Or is he a puppet from another entity, which is more powerful than Wanda or SWORD? (Rumors on the internet currently point to Mephisto or Baron Von Strucker, the Nazi who gave Wanda his powers in the first place.)

Expect answers to eventually come at the end of the first season, or maybe even in a second season if this hint from Marvel producer Kevin Feige is anything to go by …

WandaVision broadcast weekly every Friday on Disney +.

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