Rudy Giuliani not confirmed as lead lawyer in Trump impeachment


Rudy Giuliani claimed on ABC News on Saturday that he would help defend the president in his upcoming impeachment trial – but a Trump spokesperson tweeted hours later that Trump has yet to choose his legal representation.

“I’m involved right now… that’s what I’m working on,” said Giuliani, ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl.

But early Sunday, Trump campaign spokesman J. Hogan Gidley tweeted that no such decision had been made.

“Statement on President Trump’s impeachment defense team,” the tweet began.

“President Trump has yet to determine which lawyer or law firm will represent him in the shameful attack on our Constitution and democracy, known as the ‘impeachment hoax.’

‘We will keep you informed.'”

The House on Wednesday passed an impeachment article accusing Trump of inciting an insurgency for his role in the Jan.6 riot on Capitol Hill; President Nancy Pelosi has yet to say when she will send the article to the Senate for trial.


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