Anti-Biden Antifa attacks Portland cops forcing cops to retreat


Antifa protesters in Portland clashed with authorities on Wednesday as they gathered to express their displeasure with President Joe Biden, forcing police to retreat and take at least one police bike, said authorities.

The Portland Police Office said several events were scheduled in the city just hours after Biden was sworn in and implored the nation to come together. A crowd of 150 gathered at Revolution Hall around 2 p.m. and marched to the headquarters of the Oregon Democratic Party, Portland Police Sgt. Kevin Allen said.

The so-called J20 protest was a protest against Biden and law enforcement.

Some members of the group smashed windows and vandalized the building with graffiti. Calls and messages to party headquarters were not immediately returned.


When the group left the area and marched to a nearby park, police made “targeted arrests” in connection with the damage to the Democratic headquarters. The group then dispersed.

A total of eight adults have been arrested for crimes ranging from rioting and possession of a destructive device to reckless fires.

At one point, when officers on bicycles entered the crowd to tell someone to remove the metal poles affixed to a banner that could be used as a weapon, they were overrun and bombarded with objects, a Allen said.

A video posted online shows a crowd of protesters trying to grab an officer’s bike.

“As the officers disengaged, the crowd displayed aggression by swarming with officers and throwing objects,” Allen said.

A knife was recovered from a protester, police said.


Officers deployed a smoke canister in an attempt to exit the area safely, Allen said. Authorities warned the group that they were not allowed to walk or stay on the sidewalk.

The crowd eventually moved west, with some people blocking a freeway junction, police said. Garbage can fires have also been started in the area.


Other video clips show people holding banners saying, “We are ungovernable” and “We don’t want Biden – we want revenge!” for “Police assassinations”, “Imperialist wars” and “Fascist massacres”. Protesters called for an end to the sweeping of homeless settlements and pleaded for other social justice causes.

National Guard troops were not present at the rallies.

Earlier in the day, about 20 protesters gathered outside a U.S. immigration and customs building to hold a vigil for the detainees, the Oregonian reported.

Another group of no more than 150 has gathered in Irving Park, which is peaceful, Allen said. Another rally is scheduled for 8 p.m. local time at Elizabeth Caruthers Park, police said.


Portland became the site of nightly protests last year amid a nationwide toll on police practices that often turned into violence between protesters and authorities. Some gatherings have seen destructive behavior, including assaults, arson and murder.

Mayor Ted Wheeler recently denounced what he described as a segment of violent agitators who undermine the message of police accountability and should face harsher penalties.

In Seattle, a woman from a group watched by police in the downtown core was arrested for alleged assault and someone else was taken into custody for damaging property. Several sites have been vandalized in the area, police said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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