Fox News fired political editor denounces ‘hype men’ who helped Trump attempt to ‘steal an election’


Chris Stirewalt, who drew contempt from Trump and his supporters after calling Arizona state early on election night on behalf of current President Joe Biden, failed to name Fox News while criticizing the media in his Los Angeles Times article. But it was clear he was referring to the right-wing cable channel throughout his review.

Stirewalt said that the “populist right-wing rebellion against the 2020 election results” was the result of some of Trump’s “male hype” that helped him try to “steal an election or at least get rich by trying “.

Fox News, which did not respond to a request for comment on Stirewalt’s article, employs several propagandists in the roles of hosts or on-air contributors who pushed false allegations of electoral fraud as a result of the 2020 elections.

Star hosts with big platforms and massive viewership counts, such as Sean Hannity, have been pushing for weeks to believe the election was stolen from Trump.

What has come to be known as “The Big Lie” culminated in the terrorist attack on January 6 in which a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol building in an attempted insurgency that s ‘has been shown to be fatal.

Stirewalt wrote that the refusal to believe in the election results among many Trump supporters was a “tragic consequence of the informational malnutrition that so grievously plagued the nation.”

“When I defended Biden’s call in the Arizona election, I became the target of murderous rage from consumers who were furious at not having their views confirmed,” Stirewalt added. “Having been pampered by self-validated blanket coverage for so long, many Americans now view any news that might suggest they are wrong or that their side has been defeated as an attack on them personally.”

In his article, Stirewalt describes the United States “as a nation of both overfed and undernourished news consumers.”

“Americans gorge themselves daily on empty calories of information, indulging in their sweet patches of assertive half-truths and even lies,” he writes.

The call from Fox News’ Arizona ruling office came early on election night, generating controversy and infuriating Trump and his team who tried to topple him.

Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and a former senior White House official, has even contacted Rupert Murdoch, the billionaire owner of the network, in an attempt to convince Fox News to resume his call.

But the network supported him and Stirewalt defended him aggressively on the network airwaves during election week. The call, which was questioned by some data freaks for being made so early, ultimately turned out to be correct. However, earlier this month, Stirewalt was fired from the network he had called home for over a decade.

Fox News framed Stirewalt’s dismissal as part of a larger organizational restructuring. But people familiar with the matter told the Washington Post that this was in part because Murdoch believed the network had mismanaged his call in Arizona.


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