Cuomo involved in ‘criminal corruption scandal’ over coronavirus deaths in nursing homes: Stefanik


Representative Elise Stefanik, RN.Y., said on Friday that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. has been embroiled in a “criminal corruption scandal” over the reported undercoverage of her COVID-19 nursing home deaths.

In an interview with “The Story,” Stefanik said New York lawmakers should hold Cuomo accountable for what the state attorney general alleged was a significant underreporting of the number of deaths of New Yorkers in the retirement homes. Cuomo, D., defended his policy by following federal guidelines at the time, but officials said those guidelines set strict standards for nursing homes to accept coronavirus-positive patients.

“It was the governor who pointed the finger at everyone. He pointed the finger at President Trump. He pointed the finger at the elderly themselves, in the nursing homes, blaming everyone but himself- even, ”Stefanik said.


Stefanik also lambasted the media and CNN in particular for his coverage of Cuomo, whose brother Chris Cuomo is a prime-time presenter and conducted numerous friendly interviews with the governor when the pandemic first struck.

“It’s a shame that CNN allows Chris Cuomo to just invite his brother over and do these ridiculous interviews. It’s a shame now for the media,” she said.

REPRESENTATIVE. ELISE STEFANIK: “It was the governor who pointed the finger at everyone. He pointed at President Trump. He pointed at the elderly themselves, the nursing homes, basically blaming everyone. except himself. In terms of following federal guidelines, it is very clear that Governor Cuomo made the decision to present his executive order on March 25 requiring nursing homes to accept COVID positive patients, no matter what. or their ability to isolate these patients and have appropriate PPE …

I think this governor avoided the truth for months and months and months. The reason this is a criminal corruption scandal and not just a nursing home scandal is that they have known for months what the real number of nursing home deaths is. [was]whether it’s in a nursing home hospital, or someone who died in the nursing home and they hid it from the public …. There has to be subpoenas immediately. Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and State Assembly have agreed that …


The tone is wrong. The journalists did not do their job. They worshiped Governor Cuomo. They didn’t talk to the everyday New Yorkers who suffered under his failed leadership, and most importantly, they didn’t talk to the New Yorkers who were advocates, who lost loved ones to politics. government failures in retirement homes. It’s a shame that CNN allows Chris Cuomo to just invite his brother over and do these ridiculous interviews. It is now a disgrace for the media.


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