Recap "The Conners": Season 1, Episode 6 – Becky Baby Adoption


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This week on The connersSarah Chalke returns to her role as Andrea while OG Becky makes a big decision.

season 1 episode 6 sarah chalke connersBecky has not seen Andrea since the surrogacy accident. When Andrea walks to Casa Bonita with her newborn, she reveals to Becky that, despite all the help that this money can bring, she is still overwhelmed by motherhood. In fact, she's not even sure she's a mother.

After Maria and Bridgette announce to Becky that they would like to adopt her child, Becky is taking a long time to think. She knocks on their door in the middle of the night and says that she would like to get through with the arrangement. She then goes to the Conner residence to discuss it with Darlene. There, Becky confesses that she is an alcoholic. She told Darlene that she wanted to drink since she found out she was pregnant. Darlene assures Becky that she will have the full support of her family if she keeps the baby. In addition, if Becky's drinking becomes a problem, she will intervene to help raise the child while her older sister will be heard. Becky thanks Darlene for not being a "judgment trolleuse" for once, and says she never felt closer to her sister. And with that, Becky tells Maria and Bridgette that she has changed her mind about the arrangement.

Elsewhere in the episode …

* Jackie gets a city permit to build a chicken coop in the backyard. What at first seems like a superfluous B plot becomes something more when Jackie reveals to Dan that the henhouse was an excuse to keep coming every day now that Roseanne is gone. In response, Dan tells his sister-in-law that she never needs a reason to stop; she will always be part of the family.

* Darlene leaves her job at the casino to avoid clashing with a regular who constantly harasses her.

* Ben and Darlene seem to be walking on endlessly. They share a moment when he teaches him a technique of self-defense in the office. Later, he comes to the casino to watch, what Darlene perceives as a gesture very "boyfriend".

* In addition to the aforementioned return of Chalke, Natalie West resumes her role as Crystal. Dan's mother-in-law returns to the casino, having decided that retirement was not all that she had imagined. "I was going on a trip," she tells Darlene, "but it turns out I'm scared of people who are different from me."

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