Why the Legendary Edition won’t have the Pinnacle Station DLC


The Legendary Edition of Mass Effect will include almost every DLC pack in the trilogy – with one notable and unfortunate exception. Here’s why.

Legendary Mass Effect Edition is a fans’ dream version of the sci-fi series, although it features some curious graphical changes that have baffled fans. This is a remaster of the original Mass Effect trilogy with quality of life changes to give fans the definitive experience, released with a legendary cache of collectibles. The remaster is also expected to include nearly all DLC from all three games – with one notable exception.

Mass Effect: Pinnacle Station was an extension released for the original Mass Effect. Commander Shepard traveled to Pinnacle Station after achieving Specter status, where they participated in unique training experiences and survival missions. Outside of practicing squad combat, the DLC provided incentives to complete survival missions.

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Completing all survival missions would unlock the ability to replay previous missions with an extended timer. Once the player has completed these secret missions, they would be rewarded with a new apartment and constantly be given rare items. Those who still have the Xbox 360 or PC version of Mass Effect can still download the extension to this day. However, BioWare has confirmed that Pinnacle Station will not be included in Legendary edition, meeting the same fate as Mass effect 3multiplayer.

As for why the DLC is being excluded, first of all it’s important to mention that Pinnacle Station was not developed in-house by BioWare. Pinnacle Station was produced by a third party, Demiurge Studios, with permission from BioWare. Demiurge has been involved in projects such as Borders, BioShock and Medal of Honor: Airborne. The studio has since been acquired by Sega and has recently been involved in several mobile projects.

Apparently, Demiurge Studios lost the original source code for Pinnacle Station. In an interview with Game Informer, Legendary Mass Effect Edition Game director Mac Walters said they had been through quite an ordeal trying to find the Pinnacle Stationsource code of. Demiurge Studios was able to find a save, but unfortunately it has been corrupted and is no longer usable.

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While it would have been technically possible to recreate Pinnacle Station for Legendary edition, Walters explained that it would have taken a lot of time and effort to recreate the DLC from scratch. This would have forced BioWare to delay the game beyond its May 14 release date. Additionally, there are also many other changes and updates that fans would love to see focused on the Legendary Edition.

Pinnacle Station was not the best-received DLC pack for Mass Effect, with critics calling the pack uninspired versus more story-driven Bring down the sky. however, Pinnacle Station had its fans, as many players enjoyed the survival missions and additional VR combat scenarios in the universe. Pinnacle Station more focused on offering players more ways to experience Mass Effectthe fight.

There is a chance the fans will restore Pinnacle Station at Legendary Mass Effect Edition through mods. Pinnacle Station still exists on Xbox 360 and PC versions of Mass Effect; it’s even free for PC users on Origin, which means modders skilled in the Mass Effect the community may be able to reverse engineer Pinnacle Station in the trilogy remaster. Despite Pinnacle StationWith the critical and rocky reception at launch, many fans enjoyed the pack, and it would be a shame to see it lost in time.

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