Fauci rejects suggestion to delay second dose of COVID-19 vaccine


Dr Anthony Fauci on Sunday dismissed suggestions that the United States would delay the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine so more Americans can get their first vaccine – saying the country’s supply problem will be resolved long before that researchers cannot study the proposal.

“If you really want to study it – how long it will take, how many people you will need to engage in the study – by then we will already be in the arena of having enough vaccines for everyone.” world, ”Fauci told host Chuck Todd on NBC’s“ Meet the Press ”.

“It would be nice to know, if you only give one dose, how long the durability lasts and what the level of effect is, but what we currently have, and what we have to go with, are the scientific data that we ‘I have accumulated, “

Comments from the infectious disease physician came in response to expert Michael Osterholm, who suggested last week that delaying second injections to deliver more first doses could prevent a surge in ‘Category 5’ hurricane-type cases. .

The problem of the country’s vaccine supply will likely be resolved before Osterholm’s proposal can actually be considered, Fauci said.

“I’d be nice to have the study, but I don’t think we could do it in a while,” he told Todd.

Pressed by what the host called a “survival of the fittest” vaccine distribution process, Fauci said the supply will increase “dramatically” in the weeks and months to come.

“Things will get better as we get from February to March in April, as the number of vaccine doses available will increase dramatically,” he said.

But Fauci declined to make a clear answer whether public schools should immediately restart in-person teaching – despite recent comments from the CDC director that they can safely reopen.

Instead, he called for the passage of President Biden’s American Rescue Act, which includes funding to reopen schools.

“We want to open kindergarten to grade 8 schools within the next 100 days,” Fauci said, noting that the transmission of COVID-19 among elementary and secondary school students was likely lower than among high school students.

“What they need is they will need help. That’s why we want the American Rescue Act to pass, so that schools can have the capacity – with masks, with the ability to get better ventilation, whatever you want to do. “


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