Plastic Surgeon Offers To Help Remove Gorilla Glue From Woman’s Hair


The Louisiana woman who went viral for using Gorilla Glue as a hair spray may finally peel off – with a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon allegedly offering to remove the sticky items for free.

Tessica Brown, whose hair has remained strong for a month, once tried medical help while traveling to the emergency room – the acetone treatment only making it worse and burning her scalp, she said. she affirmed.

Now plastic surgeon Dr Michael Obeng has told him he can finally put an end to his predicament, using a medical grade glue remover in a procedure that could take three days, TMZ said.

Brown – who raised more than $ 13,000 in an online fundraiser – is expected to fly to Los Angeles on Wednesday, the outlet said.

Dr Michael Obeng, a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, has reportedly offered to help remove gorilla glue from Tessica Brown's hair.
Dr Michael Obeng, a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, has reportedly offered to help remove gorilla glue from Tessica Brown’s hair.Instagram

The procedure is estimated at $ 12,500, but Obeng offered to do it for free, according to the report.

Tessica Brown Gorilla Glue
Tessica Brown cautioned others against using Gorilla Glue in their hair.

Brown went viral when she revealed on TikTok how her hair stayed strong for a month after using the extra strength superglue after running out of her regular hair product.

“Bath, bath, bad idea, ”she said in the original clip, which was viewed more than 20 million times Tuesday morning.

She reportedly considered pursuing the nightmare with glue, which is only intended for use with products like wood, laminate, fabric, paper and cardboard.

Gorilla glue tweeted his sympathies on the “unfortunate situation” – but stressed that there was no reason to think it was wise to use it on the hair.

Dr Michael Obeng told Tessica Brown that he can put an end to her predicament by using medical grade glue remover.
Dr Michael Obeng told Tessica Brown that he can put an end to her predicament by using medical grade glue remover.
Harmony Gerber / Getty Images

“This is a unique situation as this product is not indicated for use in or on the hair as it is considered permanent,” the company noted.


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