Street Fighter 5’s Latest New Character Eleven Leaked By Twitch


Twitch accidentally disclosed a new Street Fighter V character called Eleven via an email sent to users – Eleven is the latest character to be added in the final season of SF5 content. AllGamesDelta on Twitter, an email recaping the events of the week ahead on Twitch contains blurb on the Street Fighter V winter update, which is scheduled to take place on Thursday. The blurb notes that it will present “an exclusive look at the new character, Eleven”.

This almost confirms that Eleven will be the next character added to Street Fighter V in Season 5. According to Capcom’s roadmap for the game, Eleven can be expected to land in the fall of 2021, at the sequel to new characters Dan, Rose, Oro and Akira Kazama from Rival Schools.

Eleven has appeared in Street Fighter V before during Urien’s character story, and the character is a pale shapeshifter developed by the game’s secret society. They served as a prototype for the character Twelve, who first appeared in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike.After Eleven, Street Fighter 5 will apparently be sold out – and with Capcom almost confirmed to work on Street Fighter 6, it seems clear where the team’s attention will be next.

In August 2020, veteran Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono left Capcom after nearly 30 years.

Jordan Oloman is a freelance writer for IGN. Follow him on Twitter.


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