NRCC finance chairman: Republicans who voted for Trump’s impeachment will not be penalized


representative Darin LaHoodDarin McKay LaHood California Has Been A Key To House GOP’s Success In 2020 How To Grow Rural Broadband, Quickly And At Low Cost America Cannot Afford To Ignore The Foodservice Distribution Industry LEARN MORE (R-Ill.), Finance chairman of the Republican National Congressional Committee (NRCC), claimed Thursday that House lawmakers who voted to impeach the former President TrumpDonald Trump Hillary Clinton: Trump’s acquittal ‘will be due to jury including former Republican officials of his co-conspirators in talks to form an anti-Trump center-right party: report Gaetz is fighting back Kinzinger PAC targeting ‘Trumpism’ MORE would still receive funds for their respective re-election campaigns.

In a phone interview with Politico, LaHood said taking control of the House in 2022 was more important than punishing Republican lawmakers by depriving their campaigns of money.

Ten House Republicans voted to impeach Trump for the second time for his role in inciting the insurgency on the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6, marking the most bipartisan impeachment vote in U.S. history.

Their votes to impeach Trump sparked divisions within the GOP nationally and nationally, with some Republican state committees passing resolutions to censor the representative. Liz cheneyElizabeth (Liz) Lynn CheneyGreene’s popularity among Republicans grows since voting to strip her of her duties on the Kinzinger PAC committee to attack the Republican campaign arm of “ Trumpism ” House rolls out target list for them mid-term PLUS (R-Wyo.) And Rep. Adam kinzingerAdam Daniel Kinzinger Gaetz Fires Back Kinzinger PAC Targeting ‘Trumpism’ Kinzinger PAC to Attack ‘Trumpism’ Louisiana GOP Scolds Cassidy for Voting Saying Trump Trial is Constitutional MORE (R-Ill.) Among others.

In addition, Cheney’s member of the House GOP, Matt GaetzMatthew (Matt) GaetzGaetz hits back at Kinzinger PAC targeting ‘Trumpism’ Kinzinger PAC to attack ‘Trumpism’ Cheney says Republican Conference should have decided Greene’s fate MORE (Florida), demanded that Cheney be removed from power.

Kinzinger, LaHood’s fellow Illino, admitted his vote may have ended his political career, but has so far upheld his decision, launching a PAC to challenge the GOP’s adoption of “Trumpism”.

When asked if the 10 GOP lawmakers who voted for impeachment would still receive funding for their campaigns, LaHood replied, “Absolutely.

“If we are to become the majority party – which I think we will – you have to accept that we are a big tent,” LaHood said. “I’ve tried to take that philosophy and that attitude of this is how we will become the majority party.”

“I’m looking at our newly arrived freshman class, and that diversity is what we need to build,” added LaHood.

Republicans in several states won seats in Congress, weakening Democrats’ hold on the US House. The Democrats also didn’t take over the Senate by sweeping the margins in 2020, although they won a majority after former Georgia Sens. David PerdueDavid PerdueGOP group “ Stop Stacey ” targets Abrams ahead of scheduled 2022 race, Democrats overtake GOP in approval ratings in Georgia: poll State-level Republicans torn by division after loss by Trump PLUS and Kelly Leoffler lost the second round of the elections to the Democrats. Currently, Vice President Harris is the deciding vote in a 50-50 Senate.

LaHood continued, “The fact that we haven’t lost a holder [in 2020] is pretty amazing, and then take all the seats we’ve done, so our job at NRCC is to protect our incumbents, and the money we help raise will go into that. “

In a statement to The Hill, NRCC spokesperson Michael McAdams said: “The position of the NRCC has not changed. We support our members in general elections and do not get involved in the primaries. We look forward to building on the successes of the last round and regaining the majority. “

The NRCC deployed a new leadership team on Thursday with Rep. Tom emmerThomas (Tom) Earl Emmer Minnesota Republican is stuck upside down amid virtual committee hearing Republican House campaign arm rolls out list of targets for midterm Congress has only started its financial technology study (Minn.) Serving as president of the body. Rehearsals. Ken calvertKenneth (Ken) Stanton Calvert (California), Jodey arringtonJodey Cook ArringtonK Street navigates virtual inauguration week READ: Republicans who voted to challenge election results Hillicon Valley: House votes to condemn QAnon | Americans Worried About Foreign Election Interference | DHS confirms request to put protesters on phones READ MORE (Texas) and Buddy carterEarl (Buddy) Leroy Carter Georgia Chief Electoral Officer rebuts election allegations in letter to Congress Trump’s Georgia call splits House GOP Biparty lawmakers call for overhaul of medical supply chains READ MORE (Ga.) Will act as vice-president.

“House Republicans are united in our efforts to reclaim the House majority and hold Democrats accountable for their job-killing policies,” Emmer said. “We look forward to building on the success we had in 2020 and completing the work we started.”


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