Biden clears supplies for Texas in case of power failure, approves new disaster declarations


The Biden administration has sent 60 generators, thousands of blankets and other supplies to Texas to help deal with massive power outages amid a rare period of extreme winter.

Homeland Security Advisor and Deputy National Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall told reporters Thursday afternoon that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) had provided 60 generators to support critical sites like the hospitals and water facilities, 729,000 liters of water, more than 10,000 woolen blankets, 50,000 cotton blankets and 225,000 meals.

Officials are also bracing for the possibility of new requests from Texas and preparing to supply diesel fuel to power plants, she said.

President BidenJoe BidenFeds is investigating Cuomo’s handling of nursing home outbreaks. Night defense: a third of service members refuse the coronavirus vaccine | Biden to Take Executive Action in Response to Solar Winds Hack | US, Japan reach cost-sharing deal on money: Biden faces backlash from left over student loans | Where is the COVID-19 relief measure | Retail sales rebound MORE, who spoke to governors of states affected by the winter storm earlier this week, also approved disaster declarations for Oklahoma and Louisiana on Thursday.

“Jill and I keep Texas, Oklahoma and other affected states in our prayers. I have declared a state of emergency, authorized FEMA to provide generators and supplies, and am ready to respond to additional requests, ”Biden tweeted. “Please follow the instructions of local authorities and stay safe.”

Sherwood-Randall, who appeared at a White House news briefing by phone, said a million or more Americans continue to experience power outages, but said the numbers have gone down ” considerably ”from their peak, with some 600,000 remaining without power in Texas. .

“Due to the nature of this storm, citizens will continue to experience power outages in some communities,” Sherwood-Randall said.

White House press secretary Jen psakiJen PsakiOn The Money: Biden faces backlash from left over student loans | Where is the COVID-19 relief measure? Retail sales rebound Overnight Health Care: Biden officials announce funding to track virus variants | Senate Dems unveils a public option proposal | White House: Vaccination of teachers not required for reopening of schools Harris says teachers should be given priority for COVID-19 vaccine READ MORE said national security officials regularly briefed Biden, who has no public events Thursday after a trip to Michigan was canceled amid inclement weather in the Washington, DC area.

“The president is kept abreast of developments in Texas and neighboring states and receives updates every day, but more than once a day,” Psaki said. “It is certainly a goal”

Psaki said Biden has instructed his team to “make quick decisions and respond to the needs of states as they arise.”

Millions of people were left without electricity in a violent climate that began at the end of last week. While the blackouts have improved, they have caused water and food shortages. Biden declared a state of emergency in Texas on Sunday. At least 23 people have died from the effects of the storm.

Sherwood-Randall told reporters that the administration would undertake an effort to “beef up and toughen” critical infrastructure to ensure that the federal government and states can better prepare for severe weather incidents.


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