Destruction AllStars, originally planned as a $ 70 game, will sell for $ 20


destruction all stars

Screenshot: Sony / Lucid games

AllStars Destruction, the PlayStation 5-exclusive derby game, will soon sell for $ 20, developer Lucid Games ad today – a drop of $ 50 from the original in-game sticker price of $ 70.

Last September, during a digital showcase, Sony ad that some PS5 games would cost $ 70, a notable increase from the standard price of $ 60. One of these games, AllStars Destruction, was originally planned as a launch title for the PS5 but was repulsed three months in October. In February, it became available to PS Plus members at no additional cost. Unlike most “free” PS Plus games, this would stay that way for two months instead of one.

Once the two-month PS Plus period ends on April 6, AllStars Destruction will sell for $ 20.

AllStars Destruction had some issues at launch, most notably group chat was enabled by default, with no in-game options to turn it off. Beyond that, voice chat was relayed through this little speaker on the face of the PS5 controllers. (I know. Criminal.) An early fix fixed the issue, allowing players to shut down other players.

Solely on the merits of the gameplay, AllStars Destruction it’s quite fun in bursts, and feels a lot like other online games that have seen increased popularity after times when sticker prices are at zero dollars. (See: Fall guys, Rocket league.) It also offers microtransactions. For my part, I wouldn’t be surprised if, like Rocket league before that, the game’s $ 20 price drops to $ 0 at some point in the future.


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