Does Bill Gates prefer iOS or Android?


You may remember the infamous reaction of former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to the introduction of the first generation. Apple iPhone by the late Steve Jobs on January 7, 2007. At the time, Microsoft had a powerful operating system in Windows Mobile. When Ballmer was asked about Apple’s new touchscreen phone, he laughed and called it “the world’s most expensive phone.” He also said it wouldn’t appeal to business customers because “it doesn’t have a keyboard, which makes it not a very good messaging machine.” Well, we know who had the last laugh.

Bill Gates sometimes messes with an iPhone, but usually wears an Android phone

Noting that many of his friends use iPhones, Gates said that “some Android manufacturers preinstall Microsoft software in a way that makes it easier for me, and they are more flexible about how the software connects to the system. ‘exploitation, “explaining how he ended up favoring Android. The billionaire was also asked on social media and noted that he had a” burner “account he plays with in addition to his official Twitter account.

If you are an Android user and are upset about the lack of an Android version of the app, there is good news. Clubhouse co-founder Paul Davison was also part of the interview with Bill Gates and he discussed the importance of adding an Android version of Clubhouse due to the global dominance of the Android platform in the world. Davison said when asked what new feature Clubhouse was eager to add to Clubhouse, they answered “Android”.

Gates said it’s only been in the last few weeks that he’s been hearing more and more about Clubhouse and the topic of a room called “Steve Jobs Stories” has come up and Davison from Clubhouse called it. of “amazing room” filled with many original Apple and Mac engineers. But we digress.

Other topics were discussed, including Bitcoin and the climate. Gates studied climate change and said that “Bitcoin uses more electricity per transaction than any other (payment) method known to man.” He goes on to describe himself as a “Bitcoin skeptic” and says he has never invested in this industry. “I buy malaria vaccines, I buy measles vaccines, I invest in companies that make products,” Gates said. “If other people find their fortunes this way, I applaud them.”

An interesting question was asked: “Is Bill Gates a gamer?” Now it might be a stereotype to think that Gates was / is a nerd and nerds play video games. As a result, you might be surprised to learn that the man who co-founded a software company that develops games (among other titles, of course) is not a gamer. “I play Bridge,” said Gates, “which by some definitions is a game.”

You can listen to the full interview by tapping on the YouTube video that accompanies this story.


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