Trump named person arrested in riot on Capitol Hill


Klein worked for a time in the State Department’s Office of Brazilian and Southern Cone Affairs before being transferred to the office that deals with Freedom of Information Act requests, according to a former colleague who is expressed on condition of anonymity.

During Trump’s 2016 campaign, Klein – also known as Freddie – worked as a “technology analyst,” according to Federal Election Commission records. He made $ 15,000 there, according to a financial disclosure he filed when he joined the State Department. He was paid an additional $ 5,000 by the campaign in 2017, according to FEC records.

A person of the same name also worked briefly on Capitol Hill about two decades ago, for the House Small Business Committee and as an intern for Senator George Allen (R-Va.).

The alleged presence of a Trump political representative during the riot may link these events more closely to the president, although there is already ample evidence that many of those charged were inspired by Trump’s false claims on the issue. widespread electoral fraud and its call for the descent of supporters. in Washington on January 6 for events he had promised would be “wild.”

Klein’s mother Cecilia said in a phone interview Thursday night that she and her son discussed the events of January 6 a few weeks ago and that he confirmed he was in Washington that day.

“As far as I know, he was on the Mall. That’s what he told me, ”said Cecilia Klein.

She said she walked out of the conversation feeling like her son hadn’t entered the Capitol, but she couldn’t remember if he had specifically denied this. “I’m not sure he used those words,” she said.

Cecilia Klein, a retired commercial official and economist, said she and her son rarely talk about politics or discuss Trump because she and her son have very different views.

“Fred’s politics are on fire,” she says, “but I’ve never seen him break the law. … Although I think, as he said, that he was at the mall that day, I have no proof, and I will never ask him, unless he tells me, where he is. was after being at the mall.

Federico Klein served as a Marine in Iraq, his mother said. He held a top-secret clearance from 2014 to 2019, issued by the Ministry of Defense, according to his LinkedIn page.

Prior to joining the 2016 Trump campaign, Klein worked as a researcher for the conservative Family Research Council and was a delegate to the Republican state convention in Virginia, according to his LinkedIn page. He graduated from George Mason University in 2002.

Klein did not respond to voicemails and text messages seeking comment Thursday.

More than 300 people have now been indicted in federal court over events related to the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill. Charges in the cases range from misdemeanor offenses, such as entering a restricted area, to obstructing Congress and assaulting a police officer with a dangerous weapon.

Kyle Cheney contributed to this report.


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