How to unlock the fourth and final step of Fortnite prisoner's skin


The fourth and final stage of Fortnite Season 7's prison skin can now be unlocked by performing a fire ritual near Wailing Wood.

Patch v7.40 seems to have activated this challenge because the ritual place was not available before the update and the players have just discovered the quest.

Compared to the previous steps, step 4 is extremely simple to perform and only requires the player to go to a specific location and the previous steps are unlocked.

Prisoner Step 4 Unlock the location of r / FortNiteBR

Upon entering the ritual circle, the bonfires will be lit one by one. The prisoner will then smoke around him as he progresses to the final phase.

The ritual location is located northeast of Wailing Woods, in the upper left corner of the map, between two small hills. The map below shows exactly where to go.

Once the ritual is complete after about 5 seconds (per current player), the 4th stage will automatically be equipped as the player's current skin.

Remember not to leave the game once the quest is over, the player must die by suicide, the storm or an enemy player for the quest to progress.

It is recommended that players land here and complete the quest at the beginning of a match due to the ease of the challenge. Players can quickly complete this quest, then head to The Block or Wailing Woods to get the loot to continue their game.

What do you think of the fourth and final step of the prisoner's skin?


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