Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos asks to delay trial due to pregnancy | Crime News


If a U.S. District Judge in California accepts the request, it will be the fourth time that Holmes’ fraud trial will be delayed.

Theranos Inc. founder Elizabeth Holmes is pregnant, her lawyers and the government have said in a court case asking for a six-week delay for her fraud trial which was due to begin on July 13.

“On March 2, 2021, the accused’s attorney informed the government that the accused was pregnant, with a due date set for July 2021,” prosecutors and Holmes’ attorneys said in the case on Friday. “In light of this development, it is not possible to start the trial on July 13, 2021, as currently scheduled.”

Both parties have requested that the trial begin on August 31 instead.

If U.S. District Judge Edward Davila in San Jose, Calif., Accepts the request, it would be the fourth time Holmes’ trial has been delayed. It was originally scheduled to start in July 2020 and then moved to October before being reset again for March – both of those delays due to the pandemic. Davila has repeatedly insisted that the trial start, hoping conditions will improve sufficiently once the population is vaccinated again.

Meanwhile, Holmes and prosecutors fight over which evidence jurors will be able to see and hear. Davila’s decisions will shape the evidence as well as the strategies of both sides about which arguments lawyers emphasize or be forced to make.

The case is US v. Holmes, 18-cr-00258, US District Court, Northern District of California (San Jose).


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