Shep Rose heard about Alex Rodriguez and Madison LeCroy from her


“Southern Charm” star Shep Rose told Andy Cohen how he first learned of co-star Madison LeCroy’s rumored romance with Alex Rodriguez – before the topic unexpectedly exploded during the show’s recent Bravo reunion.

Calling on SiriusXM’s “Andy Cohen Live” on Monday, Rose recalled that the cast was filming a trip to Capers Island in South Carolina when LeCroy allegedly “said on camera – there’s a camera buzzing, we’re on a boat. – and she’s like, “Well, I’m DMing with A-Rod, but we can’t talk about it. Or they can’t broadcast this, because I signed an NDA.” ”

“This is the first time I’ve heard of it, and I was like, ‘Oh my God!’” Rose told Cohen. “My eyes almost popped out of my head. But hey, you know, I think from what I understand, he approached her.

Rose said of the footage in which LeCroy mentioned A-Rod, “They didn’t use him … and then we come to [the reunion show]. I guess it was [castmate] Craig [Conover] that sort of let this cat out of the bag, and it didn’t take the internet or anything long to find the answers, which it never does. Really? “

A-Rod’s name was crossed out on the reunion show when it was brought up.

LeCroy later confirmed to Page Six that the mysterious man mentioned was indeed Rodriguez. But she insisted they only spoke on the phone.

“It’s the truth,” she told us, adding that they had “never been physical… never had anything. Just an acquaintance. And, “He never physically cheated on his fiancée with me,” she said, adding that the exchanges were “innocent.”

Sources close to Rodriguez went even further, telling LeCroy’s Post, “He doesn’t know this woman.”

Page Six exclusively reported on Friday that Rodriguez, 45, and Lopez, 51, have broken up.

The stars stayed up all night talking after our report aired, sources told us, and released a vague statement in the morning saying, “All reports are inaccurate. We are working on some things. ”

A-Rod then flew to visit Lopez on the set of his movie in the Dominican Republic on Monday.

LeCroy, 30, made no comment when we contacted her on Friday, saying she was “caught off guard” with the news of the celebrity split.


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