Man accused of spitting at Disney caretaker who asked for a mask


ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) – A Florida man spat at a security guard at Walt Disney World after asking him to put on a mask, according to an arrest report released on Monday.

Kelly McKin, 51, of North Palm Beach, Fla., Faces a battery charge against a uniformed security officer following last month’s meeting, according to the arrest report.

McKin was outside Disney’s Contemporary Resort when Disney World security guard Kristen Goldstein asked him to put on a mask while on the property. McKin told him he would do it once he got inside the building. When Goldstein told him that Disney policy required masks to be worn at all times, McKin told him to leave him alone and spat on him before entering the resort, according to the report.

The security officer was not directly hit, but saliva accumulated on his forehead, according to the report.

Security cameras captured an image of McKin and a bulletin was issued to him. McKin was arrested the next day after a Disney employee recognized him, according to the report.

When questioned by a sheriff’s deputy, he denied spitting at Goldstein. He said he spoke with the security officer about the mask policy and promised to put on his mask once he entered the building, and that was the end of their interaction.

“I asked Kelly if he spat on Kristen or if he spat in Kristen’s general direction, and he replied that he hadn’t, and he was adamant that he didn’t. hadn’t spat on it, ”Orange County Sheriff MP Patrick Strawn wrote.

McKin was told not to return to Disney World. No one answered a phone number listed for him in the arrest report on Monday.

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