Dr. Pimple Popper struggled and burst a scrambled egg lipoma


  • Dr Pimple Popper treated a woman with a “bossy” lipoma or a growth filled with fat.
  • The lump grew for six years and became encrusted under the skin, so it was difficult to remove it in just one drop.
  • Instead, Dr. Pimple Popper used scissors, tweezers, and his fingers to loosen the lipoma.
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Renowned dermatologist Dr Sandra Lee, better known by her stage name Dr Pimple Popper, has had no shortage of lumps and lumps throughout the pandemic.

In a March 24 YouTube video, Dr Pimple Popper shared his patient’s latest treatment, which involved cutting an orange-sized lipoma on her shoulder blade.

A lipoma is a fat-filled growth that sits between the muscle layer and the skin layer of a person. Typically, lipomas grow slowly and are quite small – about two inches in diameter, according to the Mayo Clinic.

In this woman’s case, her lipoma grew for six years and got bigger and more visible, so she decided to have it removed. According to Lee, some lipomas, although not cancerous, can be uncomfortable if they grow in certain areas like the base of the neck.

In these cases, removal can help.

To treat the woman, Dr. Pimple Popper first injected a numbing solution around the area. Then, she made an incision through the center of the lipoma with a surgical blade, revealing a lumpy, yellow deposit of fat below the surface of the skin.

Then Lee used his fingers and the tip of his scissors to dig the incision. She also squeezed the outside of the growth in an attempt to push it out of the woman’s skin.

Lipomas are encapsulated in a thin bag below the surface of the skin, which often allows them to “pop out” of the skin with just one squeeze, Dr Pimple Popper explained in the description of the video.

After struggling with the lipoma for a few minutes, a deposit of fat pierced the surface and Dr. Pimple Popper was able to cut it. Still, she didn’t get the lipoma in its entirety because the fibers under the woman’s skin acted like a “trickle,” holding the lipoma in place, Lee said.

As she continued to squeeze and push around the skin, Lee referred to the growth as “devastating” and “overbearing” due to its difficult-to-remove nature.

Ten minutes later, Dr Pimple Popper was able to grab the remaining lump of fat with tweezers and pull it out of the skin, leaving a gaping hole.

She sewn up the wound with surgical stitches and asked the patient to minimize movement of her shoulder for the next 10 days.

Lee also explained to the patient that her difficult case was not surprising, as the skin on the back is usually thicker and makes lipomas more likely to get stuck like hers.


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