Andrade gives details on WWE exit Charlotte Flair, Saudi Arabia


In an interview with Hugo Savinovich of Lucha Libre Online, Andrade said WWE removed Charlotte Flair from WrestleMania plans and publicity after being mistakenly informed by a WWE affiliate doctor that she was pregnant.

After doing home pregnancy tests and having an ultrasound and blood tests, Charlotte determined she was not pregnant. The Doctor then came to the same conclusion, but Andrade said WWE had already moved forward with plans without her.

In a statement credited to Charlotte Flair’s camp, posted to talkSport’s Alex McCarthy, the camp said Charlotte had been medically suspended due to high levels of HCG, which may indicate pregnancy.

Charlotte’s camp statement reads in full:

“What is Manny [Andrade] said about the pregnancy test in today’s interview is true, but a significant amount of context is lost in the translation and we would like to clarify this as best we can.

A few weeks ago, Charlotte got a call from WWE Medical Services telling her that her HCG levels had come back high and that she had been medically suspended for pregnancy.

That day, she had several home tests which all came back negative. A few days later, blood tests and an ultrasound confirmed that there had been no pregnancy.

This was primarily a problem with Covid (it is currently medically clear).

It set a lot of context for her, mainly how small a woman’s career window is. Men are able to work well until their 50s, while women are considered “older” even in their early 30s. For an athlete in her prime, those years mean everything.

His problem was with the process and how the information was relayed as opposed to the information itself. “

Of course, the possibility that Flair could still be added to WrestleMania in some form or another still exists.

Andrade also said that in addition to Flair’s positive COVID-19 test, he also tested positive for COVID a week before his WWE release.

He also went into details about the infamous Saudi Arabia plane incident after the Crown Jewel show in October 2019, stating that he withdrew from future trips to Saudi Arabia after the incident and skipped a follow-up meeting where WWE approached the situation with flair. .

Andrade is sad that he spoke directly to Vince McMahon about the plane problem and McMahon told him it was an isolated incident.

The full interview can be seen here.

Thanks to @fightblog, Fighter and @MicromanFever for help with translation and transcriptions.


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