Ruh roh! Biden dog drops dog in White House hallway


WASHINGTON (AP) – Doggie doo at the White House?

One of President Joe Biden’s dogs apparently dropped the pile of poo in the hallway outside the diplomatic reception hall, just off the South Lawn on Wednesday.

Reporters accompanying Jill Biden on a trip to California spotted the brown stuff in the red carpeted hallway as they waited just inside the mansion to be escorted to the first lady’s motorcade.

It was not known which dog – Major or Champ – had dropped the poo.

Earlier this week, Major, the youngest dog, was involved in his second bite incident in March.

Michael LaRosa, spokesperson for Jill Biden, said the 3-year-old German Shepherd “bit someone on a walk” on Monday. The person, who has not been identified, was examined by White House medical staff and returned to work without injury, LaRosa said.

He said Major is still adjusting to White House life. Both dogs had lived with the Bidens in Delaware before Joe Biden took office.

Champ, 12, and Major had recently returned to the White House after Major causes minor injury to Secret Service employee March 8. They had spent some time in Delaware, and the president had said Major was in training.

Champ and Major were later seen on the South Lawn ahead of the first lady’s motorcade departing on Wednesday. The major was kept on a leash as Champ walked freely.

What happened on Wednesday was not the first known case of dog poop inside the White House, given the Presidency’s long history of dog possession.

Sunny, President Barack Obama’s dog loved to sneak and poop in the mansion, his wife, Michelle once said.

President Donald Trump did not have a pet to the White House.


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