Wisconsin governor demands legal fees from Trump, Republicans


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MADISON, Wisconsin (AP) – Democratic Governor of Wisconsin Tony Evers is seeking more than $ 250,000 in legal fees from former President Donald Trump and a Republican Party official for leading two election lawsuits filed in the year last.

Evers made the claim on Wednesday in two different federal courts, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Thursday.

If Evers is successful, Trump would have to pay more than $ 145,000 in one case. In the other, William Feehan, Chairman of the Republican Party of La Crosse County, is expected to shell out about $ 107,000. Evers also asked for more money to deter future baseless lawsuits, according to its documents.

Trump and his supporters have filed several lawsuits in state and federal courts after narrowly losing Wisconsin to Democrat Joe Biden. Republicans have lost all challenges.

Trump had sought to get the Republican-controlled legislature to decide how to allocate the state’s 10 electoral votes instead of voters, arguing that long-standing electoral practices in Wisconsin were inappropriate.

US District Judge Brett Ludwig said letting state lawmakers decide the outcome of the election would have resulted in “possibly the most remarkable decision in the history of this court or federal justice.” Ludwig, who was benched by Trump, spoke out against him in December.

Feehan’s trial alleged elaborate plots that have been widely discredited. U.S. District Judge Pamela Pepper dismissed the case in December.

Feehan is represented by Sidney Powell, who is now the target of a $ 1.3 billion libel lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems, which makes voting machines.

Evers lawyer Jeffrey Mandell told Pepper that residents of Wisconsin should not be forced to pay to defend themselves against a “frivolous” and “baseless” lawsuit.


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