Tim Cook invokes Steve Jobs in company-wide memo celebrating Apple’s 45th anniversary


As we detailed in a roundup earlier this morning, today is Apple’s 45th anniversary. To commemorate the anniversary, Apple CEO Tim Cook not only took to Twitter, but also sent a note to Apple employees encouraging them to leave a story “worth telling” . The memo was first obtained by MacGeneration.

Apple’s CEO begins the message to employees by saying that they should mark this occasion by dedicating themselves back to Apple’s mission:

On April 1, 1976, a company was formed in Cupertino to create transformative products that redefine what technology can accomplish and thereby improve people’s lives. Forty-five years later, we mark this occasion by re-dedicating ourselves to this mission – and keeping it alive for a long time to come – rather than fondly remembering it as something of the past.

Cook writes that while things have changed over the years, Apple’s focus on “setting the pace that others are trying to keep up” has not. “What I can tell you for sure is that there has never been a moment with greater potential than this, and we have never had such a talented and dedicated team,” he said. . “This should not allow us to sit still. Great potential obliges great people to meet him. “

Cook also addresses the challenges of the past year while noting that even brighter days are ahead:

I know this past year has tested each of us in ways we never imagined. He asked all of us to adapt, it added complexity to our work and it required additional resolve and commitment in areas of our lives that go far beyond our work. But I also know that what we have each accomplished during this time should make us extremely proud. Through a challenge once in a generation, the things we make and the way we make them have revealed new, deep and lasting sources of value to the people who love and depend on them. And, on many fronts, we know that even better days are ahead.

Finally, Cook concludes with a quote from Steve Jobs. Cook says in an email commemorating a previous anniversary, Jobs said, “So far it’s been an incredible journey, but we’ve barely started.” The same is still true today, Cook writes:

In an email like this, to mark an anniversary much earlier not long after I arrived at Apple, Steve said, “It’s been an amazing journey so far, but we’ve barely started.” Still true. Remember none of us will be there for the end of the story, but it’s up to all of us to make sure it’s worth telling.

You can find the full memo at MacGeneration.

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