US Capitol on lockdown after vehicle attack; 2 officers wounded


Capitol Police said on Friday that a suspect was in custody after two officers were struck and injured by a vehicle near the heavily guarded northern entrance to the U.S. Capitol.

The Capitol complex has been locked down, as the agency has asked staff to stay indoors, away from doors and windows, as eyewitnesses posted videos of a large response from the forces of the order.

“A suspect is in custody”, the Capitol police said on twitter. “The two officers are injured. All three were taken to hospital. “

Images from the scene posted on social media appeared to show rescuers treating someone in the aisle of the Capitol.

A member of the news media, Jake Sherman, posted a video showing a helicopter landing near the building.

Congress is on vacation and the majority of lawmakers are not near the building, and President Biden left Washington earlier today for Camp David.

Shortly after 1 p.m., an alarm went off and an alert was sent to all Capitol Hill staff.

“Capitol: Due to an external security threat localized to all buildings on the US Capitol campus, no entry or exit is permitted at this time. You can walk around the entire building, but stay away from windows and exterior doors. If you are outside, seek shelter, ”said the message from the Capitol Police.


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