TSMC and Foxconn Reach Agreement to Purchase BioNTech Vaccines | Taiwan News


In this March 2021 photo provided by Pfizer, vials of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine are prepared for packaging at the company's facilities in Puu ...

In this March 2021 photo provided by Pfizer, vials of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine are prepared for packaging at the company’s facilities in Puu …

(photo AP)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and Foxconn, both in separate statements on Sunday July 11, said they were signing contracts to purchase vaccines from Germany’s BioNTech, according to reports. reports.

“There are several parties. We are in the middle of the contract signing process. We will make announcements once the process is complete,” TSMC said. Meanwhile, Foxconn released a statement with similar wording.

Later on Sunday, Taiwanese Prime Minister Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌) declined to comment directly on the matter, saying only that the talks are underway and that “as soon as there is a final result, we will naturally report it to everyone ”, by SCMP.

Amid the slow vaccine rollout in Taiwan, Foxconn founder Terry Gou (郭 台 銘) announced last month that he would attempt to buy doses from BioNTech directly and donate them to the Taiwanese government, a move followed by TSMC. The two companies are both seeking to purchase 5 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

The government of Taiwan has not been able to strike a deal with BioNTech, although it has come close. The rights to distribute the vaccine in Taiwan were acquired by Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group, which the Taiwanese government accused of blocking its attempts to purchase doses at Beijing’s request.

Foxconn and TSMC reportedly reached a preliminary deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese pharmaceutical group earlier this month to pave the way for the deal with the German company.


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