Overwatch League accidentally shows explicit fan poster in Shanghai LAN


During the Chengdu Hunters’ match against the Seoul Dynasty on July 11, a fan managed to walk past the camera with an explicit sign that probably shouldn’t have been shown to tens of thousands of viewers around the world.

The Chengdu Hunters managed to beat the Seoul Dynasty 3-2 on July 11 and advance to the Summer Showdown playoffs.

A great win for the team, of course, but viewers who watched the game were treated to a photo of a fan’s poster that probably should have remained as a mere idea. You can even see it on VOD on YouTube, around 4:45 a.m.

As you can see in the tweet above, the sign depicts a tiger (the mascot of Seoul) being sexually assaulted by a panda (the mascot of Chengdu).

“I’m sorry, but why is the show showing pictures like this?” »Owl fan gatamchun tweeted. “Should the Chinese cameraman of the live event be explicitly informed that” fan signs graphically depicting sexual assault as a metaphor for winning “should not be captured for airing ????”

Many people agreed with them, calling the poster “rude” and definitely in bad taste. When it was first tweeted by @GuipsyOff, the official Chengdu Hunters account responded with the smiling emoji surrounded by hearts.


This one should certainly have stayed in the drafts, Chengdu.

To be fair, the Hunters’ social media manager may not have seen the sign in question in the screenshot until it was too late and the tweet had already been sent. However, they deleted it soon after, possibly after realizing what was on the poster.

Considering the drama we’ve seen about the signs in Overwatch League in the past, and the fact that it’s billed as a “family” broadcast (remember when the games were on the Disney Channel?) It’s understandably confused and even angered many longtime fans.


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