Vin Diesel Family Meme Invades Mass Effect


A Mass Effect fan shares his take on the latest Vin Diesel memes from Fast and Furious, involving Mako from the original game.

Mass EffectThe intricate interactions between the characters in are an important part of what makes the games in the franchise memorable for fans. An otherwise unrelated meme based on the Fast and furious franchise has circulated on the Internet, and a fan’s interpretation involves Mass Effect.

For the uninitiated, the meme emerged from the release of F9, the last opus of the big budget Quickly saga. The meme consists of Fast and furious veteran Vin Diesel, as his character Dominic Toretto, being merged into other franchises. For example, Vin Diesel appeared with a non-subtle cropping of his face superimposed on an image of Titanic (1997), where a legend says that “there is always room for the family”. Today, Toretto and his values ​​towards the family have recently made their way into Mass Effect.

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Redditor mathiuskesla shared a screenshot of the original Mass Effect game, where two Geth stand in front of the Mako as it soars in the sky. Toretto does not appear in the image itself. But the fan caption is directly reminiscent of the meme, stating “Geth isn’t a problem when you have family.” the Quickly and furious The movie franchise has undertaken many different types of action, involving high-speed racing and cinematic maneuvers performed with expensive vehicles. Considering the high-stakes chases and stunts that Toretto and his team experienced in the franchise’s latest films, it’s likely the team would use the Mako somehow if they entered. Mass Effect.

Mass EffectThe M35 Mako is a six-wheeled utility vehicle that players maneuver with difficulty over different terrains. But mathiuskesla’s Vin Diesel meme has more to do with gambling than just Mass EffectMako vehicle. As protagonist Shepard, players encounter a number of colorful teammates throughout Mass Effect. Characters such as Joker, Wrex and Liara play their respective roles on the Normandy and in the player’s team, if they are selected to accompany the player during the game.

Similar to the recurring crew of characters that developed over the Fast and furious franchise, the Shepard team in Mass Effect is a somewhat unconventional family themselves. The meme has a variety of different interpretations depending on the franchise it is used on. Mass Effect‘s Mako doesn’t race other vehicles or perform elaborate stunts, but mathiuskesla has found a way to make the meme deeply relevant to Mass Effect on several levels.

It’s unclear how long fans will be implementing Vin Diesel in their favorite franchises, but fans can take advantage. Mass Effect even while waiting.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is now available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Vin Diesel Memes Take To The Internet

Source: Free press journal

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