Jodie Turner-Smith’s jewelry allegedly stolen in Cannes


The 2021 Cannes Film Festival is stressful for Jodie Turner-Smith, who claims she spent her Sunday morning filing a police report after her jewelry was stolen.

Turner-Smith – who attended the festival for the premiere of his latest film, “After Yang” – tweeted on Sunday, “I didn’t think I would spend 2.5 hours at the police station on the last day of Cannes, but we are there. … ”

The 34-year-old star’s press secretary confirmed to Variety that her client was at the police station to file a complaint with the Cannes police.

A local source claims the missing parts are worth “several tens of thousands of dollars” and said Turner-Smith was staying at a Marriott in town, although this has not been confirmed.

The local publication Nice-Matin adds that there was no break-in of the hotel room door, which opens with a key card. An investigation is underway.

Turner-Smith also made time on Sunday to attend the festival’s Kering’s Women in Motion conference, where she discussed the lack of opportunities and opportunities for women and people of color in the film industry.

“I want to make my living not just working with amazing directors, but working with women, working with women of color, using the opportunities I have to give opportunities to people where the industry is for them. limited [who] don’t get the level of respect they deserve when they’re extremely talented, ”said the“ Queen & Slim ”star.

“People use the excuse, ‘Well, there aren’t a lot of female directors.’ The reality is that there are a lot of talented female directors but, again, when you don’t have the opportunity and you are not given one, then that door is not open to you and so it is. is like, all of a sudden, ‘Oh where are they?’ But they were not allowed to enter.


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