Tesla launches initiative to build first solar district in Austin


Tesla Energy, Brookfield Asset Management Inc. and Dacra announced in a press release Friday a new initiative to bring a large-scale sustainable neighborhood to Austin.

The initiative, tentatively named SunHouse in Easton Park, will be the first Tesla Solar neighborhood and the most sustainable residential community in the country.

“Neighborhood solar installations in all types of housing will reshape the way people live,” said Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla. “Brookfield and Dacra’s commitment to stay at the forefront of this evolution is what makes them the right collaborator for Tesla Energy. The feedback we receive from solar products and batteries used in this community will have an impact on how we develop and launch new products.

Tesla said its “state-of-the-art” sustainable features will be phased in to “enable continuous learning and innovation.”

According to the release, Tesla V3 solar tiles and Powerwall 2 battery storage will be phased in at SunHouse community homes, which will be developed on land in Brookfield Residential’s Easton Park community, but will be designed and marketed separately.

The release said the first phase of the installation actually began in June, with a sample of homes under construction. Tesla says information from those initial installations will shape the next phase of the process, which will include many more homes.

The final process will be a home community master plan, with the aim of “establishing a blueprint for the design and construction of large-scale sustainable housing projects around the world,” the statement said.

“This initiative brings together many parts of our organization with innovative and forward-thinking partners who share a commitment to advancing the development of sustainable communities,” said Brian Kingston, CEO of Brookfield’s Real Estate. “As consumers increasingly seek energy security alongside sustainable places to live, the combination of Tesla’s solar technology with Brookfield’s real estate and renewable energy development capabilities will help us meet the demand. demand for communities of the future that respect the environment. “

According to the press release, Tesla Solar will provide ongoing monitoring of home energy systems, and Brookfield’s renewable energy business will integrate a community-wide solar program to meet broader public use needs and to surrounding neighborhoods. Brookfield Residential says it will also incorporate a suite of technology features, including electric vehicle charging stations in every home and throughout the community.

“Our goal is to establish that fully sustainable neighborhoods are not only viable but the best practical and economical choice,” said Craig Robins, CEO of Dacra. “Together with Brookfield and Tesla, we are trying to change the world by creating energy independent and technology driven communities that make the world a better place. “

Brookfield says residents will benefit from back-up storage in the event of a power outage and could potentially be compensated for returning electricity to the grid.

Both the City of Austin and the County of Travis have announced sustainability commitments. Additionally, Brookfield, Dacra and Tesla say they will work together over the next 12 months to incorporate additional transportation, technology and energy solutions to create this new paradigm for residential community development.

“The City of Austin is excited about the arrival of these affordable renewable energy housing options,” said Austin Mayor Steve Adler. “I am excited by the Tesla, Brookfield and Dacra Partnership’s approach to sustainable energy and housing as an example of the original thinking that continues to make our community a beacon of innovation for the rest of the country. and the world. “

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