Christian Emmanuel Sanon, mysterious “doctor” based in Florida, accused of plotting the assassination of Haiti


A self-proclaimed mysterious doctor who has lived intermittently in Florida for decades has been accused of leading the plot to assassinate Haitian President Jovenel Moïse in order to take the presidency for himself.

Christian Emmanuel Sanon, 63, is the latest suspect linked to the murder of Moïse, brutally murdered at his home last week. Dozens of people were implicated and arrested in the days following the assassination, but Haitian authorities publicly named Sanon on Sunday as the leading figure in an alleged coup attempt.

However, there are significant gaps in the official version of events.

“[Sanon] arrived by private plane in June with political objectives and contacted a private security company to recruit the people who committed this act, ”Haiti’s national police chief Leon Charles said on Sunday.

The police chief named a dark, Florida-based Venezuelan private security firm called CTU as the company Sanon worked with, but Charles offered no explanation for how an obscure self-proclaimed doctor – who filed for bankruptcy in Tampa in 2013 – presumably could have waged a complex and costly plot to take control of the Haitian government.

There are signs that Sanon may have set his sights on power. the Washington post resurfaced a 2011 YouTube video titled “Dr. Christian Sanon — Leadership for Haiti,” which introduced the doctor as a potential new leader. There was also a website called “Haiti Lives Matter” which reportedly stated that Sanon should lead a new coalition.

In the old YouTube video, the speaker — who appears to be Sanon himself — condemns Haitian leaders as corrupt, complaining: “They don’t care about the country, they don’t care about the people … ‘there’s more. We need new leadership that will change the way of life.

But the Miami Herald obtained public records which cast doubt on Sanon’s means of organizing a coup d’état. He has several inactive businesses in Florida, and although he describes himself as a doctor, he does not have a medical license in the state. Bankruptcy records show he earned $ 60,000 in 2013 and had $ 400,000 in debt.

Some suspects arrested in the assassination claimed to have been paid up to $ 3,000 a month to participate in the conspiracy, and Haitian authorities have not explained how Sanon could afford to finance a coup.

Authorities said they discovered damning evidence during a raid on Sanon’s home, including a DEA cap. The assassins who killed Moses falsely identified themselves as Drug Enforcement Administration agents before the shooting. Police also said they found boxes of bullets, shooting targets and several Dominican Republic license plates.

“The initial mission that was given to these attackers was to protect the individual named Emmanuel Sanon, but subsequently the mission changed,” said National Police Chief Léon Charles, adding that the initial plan appeared to be d ‘arrest the president – not murder. him.

According to the Associated Press, Charles claimed that immediately after Moses’ death, one of the arrested suspects telephoned Sanon, who then contacted the alleged intellectual masterminds of the plot. Charles gave no information about who Sanon was working with.

The announcement of Sanon’s arrest came shortly after officials from the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security landed in Haiti to offer assistance in the wake of the assassination.


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