War Thunder player posts classified document to prove tank inaccurate


A player of the free-to-play vehicle battle game War Thunder has claimed that the game portrayal of the British Challenger 2 tank is inaccurate. It’s a daily event for any video game’s bulletin board in search of realism.

What sets this apart is that the player claimed to be a Commander of Challenger 2 and then released classified documents to prove he was right.

As reported by the UK Defense Journal, the user posted excerpts from the Challenger 2 “Army Equipment Support Publication”. The document had several hidden sections, although the user stated that ‘he presented the images to show that the Challenger 2 had not been modeled correctly in the game.

A community moderator for Gaijin Entertainment, the developers of War Thunder, responded to make it clear that they would not “manage” the source material.

“We have written confirmation from the Ministry of Defense that this document remains classified. By continuing to broadcast it you are breaking the Official Secrets Law as the disclaimer on the cover of the document states, an offense of up to 14 years in prison if prosecuted. Of this you are already aware, as a person on duty you have signed a declaration that you understand the act and the actions it requires you to take. Anytime you post this you are putting us (Gaijin International Representatives), especially any UK citizen, in hot water as the warning so helpfully states that unauthorized retention of a protected document is an offense.

Perhaps the best detail of all is that earlier another moderator noted that “the last time such a document was shared which claimed to be ‘unrated’ it was in fact still classified and has been confirmed that it should never have been shared. ” Which means this is not the first time that this has happened.


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