To help! Android Phones Now Copy Apple’s iPhone 12 Flat Design And MagSafe


It has been ten months since the The iPhone 12 series was released when Apple officially embarked on an additional 4 to 5 years of “new design”. 2020 was the time for an avant-garde refresh on the iPhone sides. We have already discussed how the sharp edges of the next 6.7 inch The iPhone 13 Pro Max may make it unusable for some people, but the truth is, all iPhone models have the same design.

Android seems ready to jump on the flat-board train car, and I’m not sure how I feel about it. To avoid that – no, I’m not unhappy when Android copies iPhone or vice versa. Good design, features and ideas are more than welcome to be shared between platforms and manufacturers! What I’m not sure about are other changes Apple has made to the iPhone that doesn’t necessarily influence Android for the better.

Some examples of “blast from the past”:

  • The headphone jack – It’s been five years since Apple abandoned the 3.5mm audio port. Of course, as you know, other smartphones have followed suit, and it is now rare to see a smartphone with a dedicated AUX port.
  • Face ID – Secure 3D unlocking was first introduced with the iPhone X. Then a few Android manufacturers copied this feature, and that’s how we ended up with phones with huge notches when in reality a fingerprint reader is a much more convenient solution. Huawei even had both a UTS fingerprint sensor and 3D face unlock on the Mate 20 Pro when one of the two features was surely not needed.
  • Pricing – Higher flagship prices? Courtesy of Cupertino. No other company has the power to influence the market with such ease and to such an extent. Who knows … if the iPhone X had never been released, we might have had $ 800 Galaxy S21 Ultra now …

Android and the flat edge design: thank you, Apple? !

The truth is, Apple isn’t the only one responsible. They don’t force Google to remove the headphone jack from the Pixel; push Huawei to have an unnecessary 3D unlocking feature, or make Samsung increase the price of its phones. However, everything Apple does is considered:

  1. Challenge for Android manufacturers
  2. Opportunity for Android manufacturers

While in many cases, with many features, that’s true, sometimes it’s… you know – just an “Apple thing”. This is the case with the flat edges of the iPhone. Apple has been preparing for this “flat” transition for some time. The iPad went flat a long time ago, and even Apple computers will have flat edges. However, the problem is that despite looking good and cool, the flat sides present a big problem, especially for bigger phones.

If you have tried to manage the iPhone 12 Pro Max or even the smaller iPhone 12, you know it can get uncomfortable. The curved sides provide a natural grip that makes even large phones usable.

Despite this, we already have our fair share of Android phones that have already been released that clearly took their inspiration from the iPhone 12. The first to get on board was Huawei with the Nova 8 SE, not even a month after the iPhone 12 series was announced in October. While it’s a Chinese exclusive (understandably), it’s the first Android phone to follow Apple’s lead, so we can’t ignore it.

What is not exclusive to China, however, is Motorola’s latest flagship series – the Moto Edge 20. Motorola has launched three devices – the Edge 20 Pro, which is a flagship device, the Edge 20 Lite, which as you might have guessed, is a mid-range device and a vanilla Edge 20 model, which falls somewhere in between.

Namely, the Edge 20 is the one that stands out for its Apple-influenced approach to the sides of the phone. For the record, while being flat, the Edge 20 also pays homage to other flat-edge phones from the past, like the iconic HTC. One (M7), which had chamfered edges.
However, none of this changes the fact that it’s a 6.7-inch device, and we can’t help but compare it to the massive iPhone 12 Pro Max, which conveniently has the same. screen size. IPhone is incredibly difficult to hold and use with one hand, and the flat edges can make it uncomfortable.
Ideally, large phones should just be curved on the sides and back, but if we had to choose, we would go with the Motorola approach because the Moto Edge 20 (163g) is significantly lighter than the iPhone 12 Pro. Max (228g) but bigger. . Check out our phone size comparison tool if you want to compare sizes of more phones!

The latest addition to the Flat Edge team is Oppo’s all-new beautiful bezel-less phone with an under-screen camera. It is a fully functional prototype, which has not yet been marketed. With the exception of bezel-less, the device is also curve-free. Interestingly, this isn’t the first Oppo phone in the wild to have flat sides. We already have the Oppo Reno 6 5G (available in India), which is the closest interpretation to the iPhone 12 so far.

Android & Apple’s MagSafe: The Next Love Story?

Besides the flat design, the iPhone now has magnets! MagSafe is Apple’s new favorite way to charge an iPhone. In fact, Apple even launched a MagSafe battery. And of course other manufacturers have been… influenced.

True me. It is the next “victim” of the aura of Apple. Most recently, the company introduced MagDart, which is the first Android alternative to Apple’s MagSafe. MagDart is a wireless magnetic charging system, which is interesting (although not surprisingly) more powerful than Apple’s MagSafe. It’s also much bulkier, which is why Realme also makes a slim MagDart Magnetic Charger, which looks pretty much like MagSafe.

Of course, the lineup is expanded to include a magnetic power bank, MagDart compatible cases, and a magnetic wallet, which again is pretty much copy-and-paste from Apple’s MagSafe product line. In fact, Realme is in such a rush to emulate what comes from Cupertino that the company forgot to launch its first MagDart-enabled smartphone, which means there is still no Realme (or Android) phone capable of doing it. what the iPhone 12 can do. Still, the MagDart line of accessories is a clear sign that such a device is on the way.

At the end…

To conclude, we understand and know that the influence does not go in one direction. Apple has often been inspired by other brands, whether in software or hardware:

  • Widgets
  • Bigger screens
  • Better notification management (duh!)
  • The application drawer (Application library on iPhone)
  • Night mode (started on Huawei P20 series)
  • The list can go on and on …
As mentioned at the start, however it goes – it’s great for the customer when ‘copy and paste’ is for the best. However, while the flat sides look good, I don’t think they’re the way to go for bigger Android phones. MagSafe, however, is a better cry – it’s innovative and convenient.

From now on, I’m confident we’re going to see more brands and devices using the iPhone 12 on the flat edge. So Samsung, Xiaomi, OnePlus and everyone… Guys, please, if you’re going to do that, make the phones more comfortable. I don’t know – maybe flat sides, but curved edges around the midsection ?! Understand it …

MagSafe is welcome on Android, however. Magnets… Why not?


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