Jennifer Aniston defends severing ties with unvaccinated friends


Aug 6 (Reuters) – Actress Jennifer Aniston defends her decision to drop friends and acquaintances who won’t say if they’re vaccinated against COVID-19 after questions on social media about the move.

The “Friends” and “The Morning Show” star said in an interview with InStyle magazine published this week that there was still “a large group of people who are anti-vaccine or just don’t listen to the facts. “.

She added that she unfortunately “lost a few people” from her weekly routine who would not say if they had been vaccinated.

She was challenged by some Instagram followers, including Robyn Law, author of the weight loss book “The Body Plan,” who asked why Aniston worried about being surrounded by unvaccinated people when she was been vaccinated.

Aniston responded on his account.

“Because if you have the variant, you can always give it to me.” I may get mildly ill but will not be admitted to hospital and / or die. BUT I CAN give it to someone else who doesn’t have the vaccine. and whose health is compromised (or has a previous existing condition) – and therefore I would put their lives in danger, ”Aniston wrote.

“That’s why I’m worried. We have to care more than ourselves here,” she added.

Aniston, who has 37.7 million Instagram followers, rose to fame as Rachel Green on the American television sitcom “Friends” from 1994 to 2004. She followed a group of six New Yorkers in their twenties and thirties. .

Reporting by Lisa Giles-Keddie; Written by Cynthia Osterman, edited by Nick Zieminski

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


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