Trump denounces McConnell and infrastructure package: ‘A shame’


Old President TrumpDonald Trump: At Least 20 Kinds Of Gifts Missing From State Department Vault Saturday criticized the Senate $ 1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package just hours before upper house votes to close debate, calling bill ‘disgrace’ and pushing GOP minority leader Mitch mcconnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellSenate prepares for multi-day infrastructure job (Ky.) To negotiate a better deal.

The former commander-in-chief released his PAC Save America message, accusing Republican leaders of satisfying the Democrats’ political platform and telling GOP senators to think it over “twice before approving this terrible deal.”

Joe bidenJoe Biden Florida Democratic Party Chairman slams DeSantis over high cases of COVID-19 in the state Larry David, late-night talkers cut from Obama’s birthday guest list Democrats of the House select Riggleman as advisor to the January 6 committee PLUSThe infrastructure bill is a disgrace, ”Trump wrote. “If Mitch McConnell were smart, which we have seen no evidence of, he would use the debt ceiling card to negotiate a good infrastructure package.”

Trump went on to express doubts that lawmakers actually read the entire 2,700-page infrastructure proposal, arguing that “they should have taken speed reading classes.”

“It’s a gift to the Democratic Party, compliments of Mitch McConnell and some RINOs, who have no idea what they are doing,” he added.

Trump, who has used his platform in recent months to support allied Congressional candidates in 2022, warned on Saturday that “the infrastructure bill will be used against the Republican Party in the upcoming elections in 2022 and 2024 “.

“It will be very difficult for me to endorse someone stupid enough to vote for this deal,” he warned, a potential threat to anyone aiming to leverage the support of Trump, who remains one of the most powerful members of the Republican Party months after leaving the Oval Office.

Majority leader in the Senate Charles schumerChuck Schumer Lawmakers must also act as community organizers In praise of persistent bipartisanship by Susan Collins Senate should postpone recess until it acts on voting rights MORE (DN.Y.) has scheduled a vote to begin the concluding debate on the infrastructure package at 1 p.m. Saturday, a move that will require the support of at least 10 GOP senators.

Seventeen Republicans have helped move the deal forward so far, and Sen. Mike RondeMike Rounds Senate gears up for multi-day infrastructure job New hurdle slows trillion infrastructure bill Senate GOP focuses on tackling Biden 500 billion budget MORE (RS.D.), who missed previous votes, also expressed support for the spending bill, which comes as Democrats also seek to pass a $ 3.5 trillion budget resolution.

However, internal debate among Republicans over the spending program has intensified, particularly after an official Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis released Thursday showed the legislation would add $ 256 billion to the federal deficit over of the next decade.

None of the 18 Republicans who backed the package, including McConnell himself, said they would vote “no” in Saturday’s vote, although some were seen as potential reversals, McConnell telling reporters this week: “We still have amendments that need to be dealt with.

“Once they are, we can slow things down,” added the GOP leader.

Trump said on Saturday, however, that Republicans would have to wait until after the midterm election to vote on any infrastructure bill that would benefit them, adding: “but remember, you already have the card, it’s called the debt ceiling, which the Democrats have constantly threatened us with.


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