Parts of Los Angeles saw hail falling as a large breath of cold air headed south to California. The National Meteorological Service also confirmed the observation of some snowflakes.

Yes, there are snowflakes in L.A.

Snow was reported Thursday afternoon in Los Angeles and surrounding areas, especially in places usually very mild like Hollywood, Malibu and Pasadena.

A Twitter user, "Dex", tweeted "See the slush right now at Canoga Park! I thought I'd left it in Maine, I believe it followed me!"

Also on Twitter, Professor Amy Buss said that students at her school in Thousand Oaks "have all come out of classrooms to marvel at this unexpected phenomenon."

The Rose Bowl Stadium Twitter account simply said, "It's snowing!"

The Los Angeles National Weather Service confirmed this information noting that "there have been reports of several cases of small hail, graupel and even some snowflakes". (Graupel the official term for snow pellets.)

The snow is due to an exceptionally cold weather system that turns on southern California and the southwestern desert, the weather service announced.

Snow has also fallen this week in Las Vegas.

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