Princess Diana’s Astrologer on Prince Charles, William and Kate Middleton, and Harry and Meghan


Long before Costar and Zodiac’s Instagram push notifications were popular, Princess Diana believed in the power of the planets, so much so that she consulted an astrologer, Debbie Frank. The two met through one of Frank’s clients who knew Diana and believed the princess would benefit from some astrological information. Frank remembers this client telling him that Diana “really needs someone who is more empathetic because she seems to get a lot of comments from people who say crazy things to her and then drive her crazy.”

“So Diana just called me February 1989,” says Frank, who is featured in a new PBS documentary about Diana, airing tonight. And after the initial introduction, they started talking on the phone several times a week. In June, they met for lunch for the first time, and over the next eight years these lunch meetings and phone calls became regular. Debbie says they became “very close friends” and remained so until Diana’s tragic death in 1997.

“She was going through a very difficult time in her marriage because her husband was having an affair with Camilla and no one really knew it and she felt hopeless,” Frank said. “She kind of felt locked in something that wasn’t what it looked like. She was a young girl who just needed guidance and help dealing with her feelings, more than anything. I think she felt very helpless at that point because she was just expected to continue. So Debbie investigated Diana and Charles’ astrological charts to see what the stars had in store.

Together, the two women used the cards to glean information about the couple’s compatibility. Frank remembers trying to come up with answers to questions like, “Why was he like this?” And what was the point of all this? And would he stay with Camilla? Would it stay like that or could it evolve?

“She was a very different person from Diana,” Frank says. The typical assumption is that individuals whose astrological signs are of the same element are compatible. (Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac is classified as earth, fire, water, or air.) So Charles – a Scorpio –should be compatible with a Cancer-Diana-because they are both water signs. But who else is a Cancer sign? Camille. Either way, it’s not just about a person’s sun sign, Frank says. Looking at Charles’ chart, it is a Taurus moon. “It’s very stubborn. It is very fixed. It is very unchanging. While Diana had a moon in Aquarius, which is very people-oriented – someone who wants to move with the times. They were really very different.

Charles and Diana unhappy

The Prince and Princess of Wales are pictured at the presidential banquet in Seoul, South Korea, on their last official trip together in November 1992.

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“She had that affability, that kindness,” Frank says. “She was very nice. And everyone who met her felt like they met the real Diana, which they did. Charles, on the other hand, has a personality that’s pretty hard to get to know, according to Frank.

But Frank specifies that she is neither a clairvoyant nor a clairvoyant. “I don’t believe your life is totally written,” she said. So what kind of information do Did Diana take advantage of these sessions? “It was kind of like therapy – that’s what she got out of it – as a way to deal with her feelings, to understand why she felt like herself, what she could do about it, what to do with it. ‘she was supposed to become, how she was supposed to perceive these things, and how could she empower herself, “says Frank.” We worked a lot more from that premise of’ what can you learn from this? What choices? Do you have? That’s what you’re supposed to become. So little by little, she became more self-sufficient.

Diana also brought her own knowledge of astrology to their conversations. “She understood astrology, and it meant something to her. So we could very easily use it as a language. You can translate what is the meaning, what is the resonance of [something] is. She really understood it, “Frank said, noting that” she wanted to know what was going on in the stars, what the general celestial frequency was. “

the duke and duchess of cambridge visit india bhutan day 4

Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge share a smile as they walk through Kaziranga National Park in Guwahati, India on April 13, 2016

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It wasn’t just the compatibility between Charles and Diana that Frank looked into. She also believes Prince William and Kate Middleton are getting married remarkably well. According to Frank, the respectful nature of Kate’s tradition as a Capricorn sun sign makes her a great choice for the Royal Family, as she is inclined to maintain the status quo. “She is able to contain herself within this institution,” says Frank. Prince William, like his mother, is a Cancer, which means he and Kate are opposites. “But opposites attract,” Frank says of their specific relationship. Plus, Kate’s moon sign is Cancer, so they have that in common. “There’s definitely this great magnetic connection between Kate and William,” Frank says.

Regarding Harry and Meghan’s decision to walk away and make their own way, Frank says she thinks Diana would have been sympathetic. “There was a time when Diana took a step back. It’s often overlooked, but Diana herself gave a speech and said, “I need time and space. I’m taking a step back. But it wasn’t a permanent decision. I think it was. she would definitely understand all the pressure – she was under tremendous pressure herself, “Frank recalls.” I think Diana was more subtle, and I think she wanted the institution of monarchy to survive, and she wanted to. that William would become king. She wanted everything to continue like this. She didn’t want to modernize the monarchy, she just did it because of who she was. It wasn’t a mental construct for her, it was just that. she couldn’t help it because no one had ever seen someone be so sincere, be as engaged with the audience as she was. So she sort of did it naturally by being her. -same.

As Frank and others discuss on the PBS special, Diana has found purpose in being the mother of her sons. The hope, they say, is that Prince William and Prince Harry – and now their children, the grandchildren Diana never got to meet – will carry on her legacy.

Of course, Frank has already reviewed the birth charts for baby Lilibet and young Archie. Lili is “a very different signature from a lot of other royals, while Archie is quite similar to a lot of his cousins ​​in fact,” Frank says, meaning that most planets and signs the most relevant in Archie’s theme are also dominant in other royal cards. Lili, however, has a more unique graph in comparison. Lilibet’s birthday on June 4 makes her a Gemini, as does the late Prince Philip. “It’s all about communication, so she’s a communicator. Her moon is in Aries, so she is very fiery and she has the rising Leo. She will therefore be very expressive, a very strong personality, and very present. Very outgoing, just like her mother in many ways.

Hear more from Debbie Frank on the PBS special In their own words: Princess Diana, airs tonight at 8 p.m. EST. For more astrological information from Frank, check out his latest book, What is your soul sign?

What is your soul sign? : Astrology to wake up, transform and live a vibrant life

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