3 zodiac signs who get what they want from August 23, 2021


Three zodiac signs get what they want during the Sun opposite the Moon starting August 23, 2021.

One of the most notorious traits of this particular transit – the Sun in Virgo opposite the Moon in Pisces, is how it tends to make us indecisive.

We want to do the right thing and we want to balance things out in our lives, but this transit will force us “somehow” to confront our desires – in an effort to find out whether those desires are true – or are worth fighting against. for.

The Sun of August 23, 2021 opposite the Moon is a powerful transit that begins on August 23 and impacts the zodiac signs Aries, Taurus and Libra the most.

We want what we want, and some of us will go for it, while others will procrastinate around these dreams until they turn to mush.

Sun Opposite Moon brings to light our inner conflict, making us guess our own desires. It’s a pretty damn strange feeling to have – knowing that you want something and then suddenly wondering if it’s worth thinking about it. Now it’s an inner conflict.

To get what you want, you have to think clearly, and luckily, this transit can do that… phew! All is not lost during Opposite Sun Moon, in fact, if you are one of the signs mentioned here, you will be able to use this powerful aspect to your advantage.

If you can say what you want succinctly, you can say it. Let this transit act as a stimulating force for good for you.

Zodiac signs that get what they want during the Sun opposite the Moon from August 23, 2021:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Unlike Sun Conjunct Moon, which usually brings out the best in you, Sun Opposite Moon softens you in a way.


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