Biden should ‘shamefully quit’ for leaving Americans in Afghanistan: Lisa Boothe


Fox News collaborator Lisa Boothe called for President Biden’s resignation in a fiery appearance on “The Big Sunday Show” where she accused her administration of endangering American lives abroad during the evacuation of US troops from Afghanistan.

LISA BOOTHE: We don’t know how many Americans are staying in Afghanistan and if we don’t, how do we know we got them all out? How do we know when [the] mission over if we don’t know how many Americans are in Afghanistan?

This is just going to show you … why former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Joe Biden got it wrong on every major foreign policy issue over the past four decades, witnessing what has happened over the course of the past four decades. of the last days and he’s setting there and lying to everyone. us trying to tell ourselves it was “inevitable?” Joe Biden owns the disaster in Afghanistan from start to finish. Not only did he vote to allow war and go to Afghanistan in the first place, but he presides over the biggest foreign policy mistake of our lives, leaving Americans behind and such incompetence without even knowing how many Americans are there. -bas … also leaving behind military assets. .


It was preventable. The way you could have avoided it is to get the Americans out first and foremost, get our Afghan allies out, and then withdraw the troops. Instead, he backtracked and you had to be a complete jerk. Does he say the money ends with him? Believe it … that’s why he’s got it all wrong and to be honest I think he should quit in shame because he’s a shame for America and he’s a shame for the country in the Oval Office of leave the Americans behind like that and its administration is going to be a stain on this country and our history.



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