Risk of stroke is higher in certain group of adults under 60, study finds


According to a published study, people who reported sitting eight or more hours a day and were not very physically active were seven times more likely to have a stroke than people who spent less than four hours sedentary and at least 10 minutes of exercise each day. in American Heart Association stroke.

The researchers included health information for 143,000 adults from the Canadian Community Health Survey in their analysis. Scientists followed the participants, aged 40 and over with no history of stroke, for an average of 9.4 years.

“Sedentary time is thought to impair glucose, lipid metabolism and blood flow, and increase inflammation in the body,” said lead author of the study, Dr Raed Joundi, clinical researcher at the ‘McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. “These changes, over time, can adversely affect blood vessels and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.”

Of the 2,965 strokes that participants experienced during the study period, 90% were ischemic strokes. These are the most common type of stroke, Joundi said, and they occur when an artery that supplies blood to the brain is blocked.

If the stroke is not treated quickly, brain cells in this area can start to die from lack of oxygen, he added.

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Signs of a stroke

There are several signs that someone may be having a stroke, said Kerry Stewart, professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, who was not involved in the study.

Common symptoms include a feeling of weakness in your arms, legs, or face, especially if the sensation is isolated to one side of your body, he said.

Slurred speech and difficulty seeing or hearing are other signs that you might have a stroke, according to Stewart.

If you suddenly have a severe headache that is not related to any other known health problem, it could also be a symptom of stroke, he noted.

How to reduce your risk of stroke

Increasing physical activity while decreasing sedentary time can help lower your risk of stroke, said Stewart.

People can start by standing more and sitting less, he noted, and making small changes to their routine, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Adults should get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity, according to the American Heart Association. Joundi said it is ideal for this activity to take place in periods of longer than 10 minutes at a time.

“Activities are considered moderate intensity when you get enough exercise to increase your heart rate and sweat, such as brisk walking or cycling,” he said.

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Previous research has shown that 10 potentially modifiable risk factors, including alcohol consumption, are associated with 90% of strokes, Joundi said, so “90% of strokes could in theory be prevented if all these risk factors were suppressed in a population “.

To reduce the risk of stroke, Joundi recommended people focus on more than just decreasing sedentary leisure time.

“Improving physical activity is only one important part of reducing stroke risk, along with a nutritious diet, smoking cessation, and the diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as stroke. high blood pressure and diabetes, ”he said.


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