Jussie Smollett did not pay $ 3,500 to the brethren for "Attack & # 39;


Jussie Smollett

Did NOT pay $ 3,500 to Brother for "Attack"

02/23/2019 09h00 MST


Chicago's claims Jussie Smollett paid Ola and Abel Osundairo USD 3,500 to simulate an attack, but sources related to the case indicate to TMZ that this is simply not the case.

Our sources say that the brothers have an agreement with Jussie to train him for 5 weeks so that he can prepare for an upcoming music video. Jussie had told Ola that he wanted abs as his own. Abel and Ola agreed to train Jussie and give her a 5-week nutrition plan.

Our sources say that Jussie told the brothers that he would pay for their services, but no specific amount was discussed.

A few days before "the attack", Jussie wrote to the brothers a check for $ 3,500. The memo line read as follows: "5 Week Training Nutrition Plan"

Our sources say Ola and Abel says the grand jury they were paid for the 5 week program and not for "the attack". A source related to the brothers said that Ola and Abel felt that the amount was "a bit high," but nobody ever said anything referring to the money.

We learned that the brothers also told the grand jury that they had nothing to do with the threatening letter sent to Jussie Smollett 8 days before "the attack".


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