Trump promises to veto the vote to block his urgent statement if necessary


16 states sue Trump against national emergency

President Trump promises a veto if Congress passes a resolution banning him from using a national emergency declaration to fund a wall along the US-Mexico border.

Mr Trump told reporters at the White House on Friday that he would veto the resolution presented by the Democrats of the House early in the day.

"Will I veto? 100%," the president told reporters.

The House Democrats movement is triggering the constitutionality dispute between Mr. Trump and the Democrats and is putting a vote on the House as a whole next week.

The House controlled by the Democrats will certainly pass the measure, although its fate in the Senate controlled by the GOP is less clear.

Any veto of Trump would likely be maintained, but the upcoming battle will test Republican support for Trump's move.

A handful of Republicans expressed strong opposition to Trump's decision to tour Congress.

Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn said, "After the American revolution against a king, our founders chose not to create an executive director with the power to tax the people and spend his money as he pleases. Constitution gives this authority exclusively to a Congress elected by the people. "

Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, told Politico: "I would have liked that he did not do it."

Meanwhile, the president 's emergency statement faces a tough battle in the courts. More than a dozen states continue Mr. Trump on the statement.


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